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References for Ivory Flame

Ivory Flame has 908 references; 908 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.


Mugshots-UK said...

I have worked with Holly a few times since 2007, and every shoot has been well worth while. Holly is always well prepared for each shoot, and has always got something in her suitcase to suit any situation.

Holly can get the most out of the location be it an old barn or in a studio, she is a consumate professional who I heartily recommend.

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ChrisRout-Photo said...

Worked with Holly several times now and what can be said that already hasn't! Holly is at the top of her game and sets a bench mark for others to follow and look up to, She is so good to work with, extremely versatile she listens and takes direction well she is so relaxed to be with. A pure joy and a superb model always a delight to hear and see Holly, definitely recommended!

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I have shot with Holly three or four times and have nothing bt praise for her. From lying naked on rocks on a stormy beach at 5am in a sleet storm to the studio, Holly brings a great artistic vision a great work ethic and a sense of humour to the mix that makes every shoot productive and fun. Highly recommended!

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I run the risk of repeating what many others have said, but I want to add my voice. Worked with Holly and was very impressed. She worked in conditions that weren't ideal and was very tolerant of a beginner. Her contribution to the shoot was far more than just her (excellent) posing skills: her ideas took my work up a division, I think.

Excellent pre-shoot comms, and a positive pleasure to work with. Very very highly recommended.

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It would be impossible to say something that hasn't already been said about this model's performance during the shoot. She was fantastic, hard working and I wouldn't be able to take a bad shot of her if I tried.

Even though the chance to shoot Ivory gave me only a couple of hours notice, she gave input and made sure I got some great shots, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to recommend Holly to anybody that is considering booking her.

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Publisher said...

Ivory Flame - superb model, very experienced, excellent poser, vast wardrobe, very easy to work with, professional, relaxed and good fun. Highly recommended.

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I've shot with Ivory several times - always punctual, polite, professional and well organised.

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There is not enough space to express how beautiful and professional Holly is, all I can say is that the work we did is still some of the best I have ever done. If you have not worked with her then your portfolio is the poorer for it.

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