Pleiades, the Seven Sisters
Photography by: Roger MoreTaken at: Heavenly Bodies StudioKeyword tags: astrophotographyAlbums: H E A V E N L YGroups: (Invite) None
Added 1674910034 by Heavenly Bodies Studio.
The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, or M45, are easily visible in the night sky during winter.
It is an open star cluster containing over 1000 gravitationally bound stars. The brighter ones are relatively young, hot blue stars formed around 115 million years ago. They are relatively close to Earth at about 444 light years away.
The stars are travelling through a field of interstellar dust and gases. These are lit by the intense light and form the reflection nebula surrounding them.
This image used 113 x 300s exposures for a total of 9 hours, 25 minutes in order to pull out the detail of the reflection nebula