Photography by Chris Conway, Taken at Trident Studio [Studio Hire Plymouth] / Uploaded 10th December 2013 @ 05:53 PM
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Added 1386698036 by Chris Conway.

I've been unsure what exactly to say about this portraits project, it has been a lot of work, far more than originally anticipated! The concept was to keep things super-simple, no make-up, hair away from the face, basic lighting and minimal post production.

The series comprises a total of 314 images, 60 models (plus me!), around 30 hours of photo shoots, a full day to narrow down 4500 photos, and then 3 days of retouching. This has been kept to the basics, blemish removal and some tonal correction (dark bags etc). The images shown are very much a true representation of the models involved, and I guess that's the real point. Everyone here is shown how they are in reality.

The album here is just a sample of some of my favourite images, I didn't have the time / sanity remaining to upload all of them. The full series can be seen on my public Facebook album here:

Technical stuff for those who may want to know: All images were shot on a Canon 5Dii with a Canon 50mm F1.4 lens. Shot settings were 1/40th, F2, ISO100. A simple 2 light set-up which included my home-made LED ring light / beauty dish combo.