Home » ♥ Chiara Elisabetta » Un bisou CollectCollections (1)Share image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imageUn bisouImage is filtered for work safety. Show image...Models: ♥ Chiara Elisabetta, Eva LotusKeyword tags: duo, girl girl, hot tub, kiss, model duo, Sensual, Sexy, summer, voyeuristicAlbums: A lil bit rude, Aquarius: water woman, Home & short walking-distance location shootsGroups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...55 people love this!Added 1677618055 by ♥ Chiara Elisabetta.Please see our casting for upcoming duo availability over the Easter weekend, 2023:https://purpleport.com/castings/466585/Chiara-Elisabetta---Marla-Pandora--Exclusive-DUO-sessions-in-cool-Surrey-location---Easter-weekend--8th---9th-April-/