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Red Coat Abie

This was part of an almost impromptu photo shoot I did with Abie Fatty (@abiefatty) in her apartment in Stratford on a late Saturday afternoon in early March.We couldn’t chance the outside shoot we had planned due to the ‘oh so reliable’ British weather! So we made do with what little lighting and space we had available.

Every once in a while you find a model that you just click with instantly. Abie was such a case and was a dream to work with. She plays to the camera with every shot, using her skills as an aspiring actress to bring life to her poses. She needed very little direction and genuinely seemed to enjoy every moment. I can’t wait to do another shoot with her in a more professional situation (rather than a shall we do this now? Why not? )

Taken using just my basic Nikon d3200, standard lens with defused flash. The sun was low and almost directly in front of us, making shots on the balcony tough. The space in her room small, and lighting wasn’t the best. But we made the best of what we had available.

Wardrobe was whatever came to hand and some very quick wardrobe changes. Editing: minimal.

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