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BL - Gritty sexiness - urban

Below is a collection of 147 images that have been added to the BL - Gritty sexiness - urban collection.

This is a style I've tried to shoot a few times in the past, with mixed success. The thing is, this is not flashing, it's not meant to be tacky, and it's not meant to be running around naked scaring people. It's meant to be artfully exposed. What's exposed can vary from a shoulder to - well everything - but it's the way it's done that gives it the art edge.

It is also meant to be urban - or at least sub-urban; so alley ways, little side-street cafe, sitting on a front wall, bus stops, fences, phone boxes if you can find them. Sitting on the street curb. Not rural, no fields! 

What is needed it a model with some guts and willingness to take a little bit of risk. Not loads - we're not trying to upset anyone - but enough! I'm thinking lots of changes to keep it all interesting, with lots of variety. And someone that is willing to take the lead for their own outfits, styles, poses and - most importantly - deciding what and how they show bits of skin! The idea is it should be as natural as possible.