Hi all!


By vger77, 1652352010

Hey everyone!

I am Ria/vger77. I'm almost 40. I have done three model photoshoots that I either paid for or won in a completion. They were clothed, and in my underwear. I really enjoyed these and loved the images. I'm not usually good at posing, but with the photographer's guidance I seemed to have done okay. So I guess I'm hoping to get some more images and maybe even some nude and branch out more. I'm open to ideas. Thank you.

IJS said, 1652353264

Hello and welcome

Edited by IJS

Steve JC said, 1652353860

Hi Ria, welcome, I hope you have a great time here. šŸ˜Š

Oakesstudios said, 1652360629

Hi Ria

Welcome to PP - Iā€™m in Birmingham if you fancy a shoot .


kennymcrae69 said, 1652371766

Welcome Ria :)

Danny. said, 1652377004

Hello Ria. Welcome.

RMF said, 1652377164

Hi and welcome to you

M R P said, 1652381870

Welcome to you!

Taz75 said, 1652395561

A warm welcome to you.