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Celebrating 100 Remote Shoots


Natasha J Bella

By Natasha J Bella, 1607180693

I’m celebrating over 100 remote shoots with 92 photographers and want to express some gratitude.  

My first remote shoot was on 1st April with Pix Photography , thank you for accepting my casting application Gary :)

Our share-a-shoot on April 2nd: https://purpleport.com/group/share-a-shoot/166035/How-To-Shoot-During-Lockdown

I’m thankful to the first few photographers who trusted me at the beginning and booked a remote shoot and everyone else that subsequently followed and kept remote shoots thriving.

The pioneers  Colin Nash LRPSNev. Taylorriks_pixelsRasmusArtPaul Cooley , thanks for giving it a go :)

Thanks to ADWsPhotos for all our shoots, techie-chats, testing-things-out and impromptu sessions.

At first, the negative comments about remote shoots were frustrating and discouraging but I learned to ignore and carry on. Focussing on those that wanted to get involved and offering help to models getting set up was far more rewarding than trying to convince people who wanted to belittle our efforts.  While some were misjudging, we were getting on with the planning, discussing mood boards, chatting, laughing, taking pictures, styling, creating, editing, sharing and booking again.  It’s been fun, it’s been challenging, it’s been social and at a time when we were all experiencing the first lockdown and cancelled plans, this became so much more than just a photoshoot. I’ve met so many new and interesting people in many countries and worked with people that I already knew, I’ve shot with some photographers several times, actually, I’ve made good friends during all of this and closer connections with models and photographers.  

I have loved it and learned so much.

It’s not for everyone… and that’s okay.  But for many of us, it's been fulfiling.

I’ve had the opportunity to work with photographers in Slovenia, Finland, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, China, photographers in the USA such as New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle and of course, closer to home from Ireland to Scotland, from Southampton to Carlisle :)

Thanks to Purpleport for being so helpful in accepting wider locations for remote shoot castings and writing an informative blog post about this genre.  Awarding FPIs in this field, not just mine but many photographers and models involved in tethered shoots have gained recognition.


I’m proud to have been featured in publications such as PhotoPlus The Canon Magazine, Digital Camera World Magazine (article in an upcoming issue), various newspapers and The PhotoShoot Magazine.  Plus, a wonderful book created by jhphotography featuring models he’s worked with remotely.

Remotely, I’ve done a few 1-2-1 training sessions via Zoom as well as Zoom talks about remote shoots with a demonstration to several camera clubs and a webinar for The Guild of Photographers on ‘Keeping Creativity Alive’.

On-demand with The Guild: https://bit.ly/remoteguildtalk

It is great to see remote shoots established with an ever-growing community of models and photographers connecting with each other, enjoying the process and creativity. There are so many amazing models offering remote shoots.

To name just a few: 

Ivory FlamePoppySeed Dancer , Rhianna GreyAmie Boulton  Stephanie Dubois , Lucy Artmodel , M I S C H K A H , Sam Mathias (Not on PP)

There are so many others but I don’t of know them all, please tag and mention in the comments.

To commemorate this milestone I'm sharing this photo in celebration of Helmut Newton's 100th Birthday (31st October 2020).  

Photographer shooting tethered from Germany: Nippon Fighter Photography  

Homage to Helmut Newton, SUMO Front Cover, Big Nude III, Henrietta, Paris 1980

Helmut Newton Big Nudes Series

Homage to Helmut Newton Big Nude Series

My remote shoot album: https://purpleport.com/portfolio-image-album.asp?id=129106 

Thanks everyone :)

Pix Photography said, 1607181184

It was an absolute honour to have been there right at the beginning.

I think you were the best person ever that could have responded to my casting, and I doubt it would have gone as well without your expertise and passion.

Sure there were glitches, but overall what an amazing experience.

A definite highlight in my photography career.

Hope you have 100s more creative remote shoots to come.

Edited by Pix Photography

Gerry99111 said, 1607181375

Well done with this Natasha. I will probably try a remote shoot with someone in a different continent on location when this is all over to see what is possible as a creative process and because I fancy shooting someone in a place I may never visit myself.

I could do it now I guess except I have been busy and I fancy doing it when there is less of a need, if that makes sense :)

As to the doubters, I never understand the need to be negative about what others do rather than go off and do something themselves they do find interesting. One thing for certain, you will be remembered and admired for this in a few decades far more than all the people saying "I don't see the point". Well yes we get you have no ambition or drive to do anything different and thanks for letting us know ;)

Gothic Image said, 1607181548

Well done, both for the initial enthusiasm and the continued perseverance to make it work.

ADWsPhotos said, 1607181598

I’m chuffed to bits to be namechecked - thanks Natasha. I’ve enjoyed every bit of our efforts, especially in my helpful role as agent provocateur - not the lingerie type, but the ‘go on, buy it, you know you want to’ type (actually it’s pretty evident you need absolutely no prompting on the lingerie front, our latest half an hour set with your Leopard print stuff was gobsmacking!). Thanks for shooting with me, and here’s to more soon. Onwards and upwards!!!

Natasha J Bella said, 1607184797


I think it’s great to take that opportunity, I think that’s where it really fits into the future, being able to work with people in places you’re not visiting.

Wavepower said, 1607187580

Well done Natasha for having the confidence and initiative to be one of the first remote shooting models. Lovely to see people adapting positively to difficult circumstances.

I wish you well with this, can see this becoming part of your repertoire, especially for those further away from your usual areas.


Nev. Taylor said, 1607212571

Many thanks for the mention Natasha - it is much appreciated. !

Many congratulations on this achievement, it is so well deserved and has been achieved through hard work, attention to detail, sheer model professionalism, 

helpfulness and perseverance. 

I am so pleased to have been one of the original 'trialists' and the photos we made on that occasion give me great pride and gained me a lot of kudos !!

For sure we will do it again soon. May you have much more success.

Take care.  Nev.

Ian Oliver said, 1607235809

Fantastic work Natasha, both on your remote shoots, persevering with them and promoting them, they’re definitely an asset.

Alan Ewart said, 1607238083

Whatever your personal thoughts on remote shoots there can be no doubt that this is a very impressive achievement.  👍

Natasha J Bella said, 1607244265

Another fabulous model offering remote shoots is ModelZoi

RasmusArt said, 1607271365

At first I thought how remote shooting? How does it work? Then I read a little about the offer and thought it was worth trying. And so I could lean back in my chair and Natasha followed my instructions. She is an expierienced professional model, so only short instructions are necessary or she offered the perfect pose. I just had to hit the button it at the right moment, when it looked good to me. After a short time it was a great teamwork. Thanks for this experience.
Of course I would prefer to visit the model herself in the studio, but traveling is bad at the moment and that's how you get together remotely.

Ivory Flame said, 1607278860

Natasha you have just done SUCH an epic job with your remote work, and getting it out there into the mainstream photography world! I'm always blown away by your professionalism, incredible presentation and fabulous marketing, and it has been brilliant to see where you have pushed it, with those awesome magazine publications and the online talks. Hats off to you!
And what an AMAZING list of places around the globe to have connected with photographers in, wow!!!

Thanks so much for the mention here ♥ Your hard work, knowledge and wonderful personality are such an inspiration :-) It's exciting to see the range of work being created remotely by different models and photographers, such a fun new world. It's an especially satisfying challenge for us models already enjoying photography, and such a great chance to harness our multi-faceted experience and show what can be possible.
I'm so glad so many photographers have seized the opportunity to explore this way of working, and continue to! 

Congrats on your 100th shoot and kudos to everyone involved :-)

Natasha J Bella said, 1607343401

Thank you so much Holly, I have the upmost respect for you, I’m a long-standing admirer of your work and this lockdown brought us many shared moments together, between fun Zoom socials, IG live chat and remote shoot work, it’s meant a lot to me.

jhphotography said, 1607771108

Sorry just say this. Great to have been part of your 100 remote shoots. In part it was you jumping in on remote shoots at the very start that got me interested to see what could be done. I'm glad I've been doing remote shoots over the last nine months. I think it's helped my photography too as the limitations just make you get more creative and I think that will move over to my in person photography when I'm back to doing those.

Continued success with the remote shoots and to the next 100. Plus thanks for the plug for the remote book :) Great to have featured you in it.

JPea said, 1607792825

Congratulations on being so dynamically organised, apart from being a somewhat good model.

I'm looking forward to adding to your total later this month.

And with some trepidation.