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Mist, woods and going a little Japanese...

Russ Freeman

By Russ Freeman, 1332090055

It's been quite misty on the hills recently so I've taken advantage of it where possible. I'm not getting a lot of time to shoot nowadays but I still very much enjoy creating interesting images.

Firstly, a self portrait. I was exploring the mist alone to see what kind of shots I could create (and taking shots of anything I thought was interesting) and to see how the mist behaved when shot. It was mentioned that I ought to try some self portraits so here is one :-)

1) I'm a big fan of "less is more" and I've been trying to remove all distractions from my shots as much as possible. I find I'm one of the distractions in self portraits I'd like to remove!


I actively avoided shooting in the woods for some time. I couldn't get past the "girl in tree" or "girl with tree" images, especially when it comes to nude. I have shot some stuff in the woods but it's been a bit more abstract or funky.

The addition of the mist really helped me see a different side to it.





6) Another fairly desolate shot...

In the above shots Artemis is wearing a corpse bride dress made by Pearl.

And then Artemis bought a Japanese style dress of ebay...we talked about what might be fun to shoot and she had this awesome idea of combining the dress with some simple bondage. We hadn't shot anything like it for a long time and I needed a day off so...

Hair and make-up by Artemis.











Thoughts, opinions and critique appreciated from both of us.

Emma_Willis said, 1332091573

The first set is absolutely outstanding, the atmosphere in them is spot on!


The second set is nice, though I'm not sure theoutfit goes with the setting, and I don't "get" the bondage in it..


Hair and make up is bloody brilliant though!!


And I do LOVE the one laying on the tree, and number 7 :)

Charlotte said, 1332093239

I like the bondage.  I don't like bondage when it tries to take itself seriously and be authentic.  Clearly these images are doing nothing of the sort and are just going plain surreal.  It feels like a sordid affair has happened and this is kind of the aftermath.  It has a VERY good lovers feel to it.

Very good job.  Beautiful.

Edited by Charlotte

Camaxa said, 1332097535

Loving #1 and #15 Russ

Edited by Andrew Kent

Dave Johnson said, 1332098324

The mist shots really work for me Russ, you've taken weather conditions that would put most people off shooting outdoors and produced some really strong images.

Anony-Nus said, 1332099960


I think the mist shots are really great, you've really captured the atmosphere and the corpse bride dress works perfectly.


7 & 10 of the Japanese Forest set are the stand out for me, with the out of focus leaves in the foreground & background it reminds me of a scene from the film Hero.


I'm sorry I just don't get bondage, so I can’t really leave much of a comment on those.


d o o d y o n e said, 1332103240

1, 2, 6 & 14 and probably 15.

Heckklr said, 1332104258

 3, 10 , 12 Are fantastic images . 3 being my favorite out of the set . 


PhilM said, 1332104301

I love 2 and 3.  The movement's great in 2, and in 3 it feels to me as if the camera's rushing forwards.

In the second set, I like 7, 10, 12, 14 and 15.  For me, the make-up works better in these than in the others: I think it's something about the shadowing on the cheekbones when it's a full-face shot (it works on 10 because we're in closer and you can make out the detail).  Love the hair though, and the outfit in that setting. 

Sinopa Rin said, 1332105193

I love every shot in the mist set (number 2 being my absolute favourite), but only number 12 of the Japanese ones really appeals to me. Like a previous poster, I don't really 'get' the combination of Japanese, bondage and woodland. I understand that you were going for surreal but they're just not for me. Excellent photography and styling throughout though.

Edited by Sinopa Rin

Zaki said, 1332110413

The b&w misty set are all good. Very good. I really wish I had someone on call to go out in various weather and kinda of tuned into what needs to be done for the conditions, clearly you have that relationship and it shows.

The Japanese set is really interesting. Not all of them hit the mark, but its been worth my while looking to see what works for me and what doesn't.  As someone pointed out, its partly the wrong type of woodland, its just too english looking

 Of course, I don't know what the intent was but I'm guessing sort of something along the lines the look you get in the Japanese adult manga magazines. If so, then the last two  really get the mood and style. The last one is probably the best, I just wish you have found a location  less obviously english woodland.


Kirkschwarz said, 1332113292

I really like 10, I think it fits in well...  Throw some more reds in there and it could be sakura, it really gives that feel.  I also love the detached feel of the posing (even though there is eye contact, it still feels as if the person documenting it is unwelcome or undeserving of emotion, which works for me).  I also love the ideas behind 12 and 13.

Number 3 is probably my favourite of the first set, I think it's because the separation is very strong, it adds to the scene for me.  It's the way that you have a variety of  aspects that push me into the model and such an engaging pose (story) that it keeps me and it's all good, I also like 6 for the same reasons but the pose doesn't convey the same amount of story for me.


MisterA13 said, 1332168649

I think the mist set is outstanding. There is a sense of peril and the unknown in those shots that grab me. The dirty dress, the fog... everything seems to work nicely. I also very much love the self portrait.  The 2nd set, although well shot has a lack of emotion and although it seems that was the intent it personally doesn't seem to speak to me, I don't feel like I need to look at them over and over again. The first set I admiringly have gone back to look at 6 or so times as I wrote these brief thoughts :)