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New name. Updated portfolio.

l x s t

By l x s t, 1520526179

After a bit of consideration, I've decided to try and separate my personal and photography online accounts a little bit. Thus, a new name, and a bit of a redesign of my portfolio!

For as long as I've been shooting I've stuck by the rule of only putting up one photo of a particular set, to avoid repetition and similar images. Recently I've been getting so many photos from each set that I like that I've been struggling to choose! I've also come to appreciate how nice it can look to have a pair of similar images next to each other, so I've tried to add a second where I can.

I'd love to hear how you think my portfolio is looking after the update.

Can't wait to get a few more shoots booked in to fill it out some more :)

Nils Bratby said, 1520528157

Works for me, looks like you have a nice strong style developing. Nice work :)

Alicia K said, 1520528265

Loving the revamp and seeing more images from separate sets. No criticism from me!

l x s t said, 1520555419

Thank you both! :)

@vishpateluk said, 1520606959

Ooo your fairly local to me.

I love your headers, great minds haha.

No real comments from me as its spot on. Nice to see a photographer who can write well and has a clear idea of what they want as opposed to someone who just likes to take pictures of people with no real goal or intention. 

I definitely have no problem with posting more than one image. I was kind of blah about it too, but you pay to be able to upload a number of photos so why not. I like the idea each set tells a story persay, although that story isn't a stripe tease going from clothed to naked which seems to be most common on here.

A couple of the images there are quite similar poses, I would maybe avoid that to keep it dynamic and fresh for example.


Minor observation, you watermark some images and not others? I would try to be consistent. Also some of  your images have a much bigger version of your watermark.

Your IG says you live West Midlands but PP is Rugby. Now I suck at geography but I swear those aren't near each other. 

Maybe also worth setting a Tumblr as you can post more rudgy images and its another platform to build a following.

Keep up the good work.