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Scrap or keep older work in my portfolio?

l x s t

By l x s t, 1489618752

I would love to hear some of your first impressions about my portfolio. I had a long break from photography, and looking at it from my own perspective, I can very obviously see my favoured old style versus my more recent work.

I'll be the first to admit I'm trying out new things now, and my new work is probably not quite up to the standard of my old stuff, but I'm still trying to make it more prominent in my portfolio as it's the style I'm looking for right now (newer work is at the top, older work at the bottom.)

Keeping the older stuff helps boost the overall quality of my portfolio, in my opinion, but is starting to look a little out of place. Not sure whether to scrap it entirely (I have already deleted a few) or just keep shooting and replace it naturally as and when I feel I don't need it any more.

Any opinions on my work are welcome. I'm always interested in hearing what people think :)

Valhalla said, 1489619748

I think it looks good! As long as it represents you

Holly Alexander said, 1489621165

Do what I do and keep older work in an album :) therefore it's not on your main page but still there to view