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Anthony Robert said, 1570128597

photome2 said, 1570128883

Tarmoo said, 1570130753

Ava Nicholson said, 1570130910

photo-filter said, 1570131020

trebor images said, 1570131188

Mike Rhys said, 1570135055

Arabella said, 1570135147

Vassili said, 1570136939

art65 said, 1570145531

Timothy McGaw said, 1570146099

From my shoot this week with Faye Noir, in Huddersfield. We were meant to be sticking to fashion portraiture, although Faye suggested this spot suited itself to art nude and so we gave it a go. I have a feeling it would work better black and white, particularly with the high contrast. Although as I was shooting colour negative medium format, I don't think I would really want to convert this to black and white and lose the kodak portra colours. I think the scene would work a lot better in subdued warm morning or evening light, although I think the harsh midday lighting here adds a certain intensity to the scene also.

M.R. Photography said, 1570148657

David Abbs said, 1570149329


Tarmoo said, 1570171942

Paul Lucas Photography said, 1570176518