I Was on the Telly Today - Horrible Fraudulent Eviction Story.


Staffordshire Images said, 1422220708


KD Images said, 1422220837

The whole thing is nonsense based on gibberish

Aardvark🎯VonEssfolk said, 1422227173

Jon Dow said

David Purton said

Either way, whatever the "facts", its sickening how the heavy handed always prefer might is right. The banks and mortgage lenders have learnt nothing...I am sure this could have been dealt with without resorting to bailiffs. Well done you for bringing this to our attention. Even if Mr Crawford may be a little economical with the truth or believe he is in the right..or may be even have missed something, it still reveals the banks/mortgage lenders to be the complete bastards that they are.

Thanks David, you are welcome. If any of you reading this get into a similar strife in the future, we WILL come and fight your case. All 500 of us. Or more, perhaps.

Surely 1,000 Jon? 

At least that is what you should constantly strive for I think ;) 

richneil said, 1422311369

I may be wrong, but i wasnt aware a lender could change a mortgage like that. At least, not without his permission.

Does the bank have any evidence that he agreed to the change? That he may perhaps have forgotten about?

Do you have all the documentation or just what Tom has provided?

The problem may lie in the transfer of the rebt from 1 organisation to another.

Either the lender(s) acted illegally - in which case the Bayliffs have no legal standing or the lenders have acted legally, the court has made its decision correctly and you and your rentamob friends are obstructing legal procedures.

Either way i'd have more time for you if you cut out the socialist claptrap and offered a civilised argument.

Or is that beyond you...

Nix Brown said, 1422323132

Well done for getting the word out on this!! Horrible story, poor man :-( Hope for a happy outcome and he's alright X

cathstudio488 said, 1422344000

I have looked all over the web, not a shred of paperwork substantiating the mans account of things, if anything he contredicts himself over and over again.

We have to assume the court has seen all  documentation and has acted on it, job done, rent a mob makes no difference it just delays the job and adds costs.

its as bad as the loonies who protest against fracking and gypsy camp site removal to name a few, (no problem with protesting, as long as it has some foundations) they just want to fight the establishment with there hobbit style of utopia we should all live in,  the same establishment that keeps them dry, fed, safe.  They all act outside the law when it suits, and then want the law to help when a police officer gives them a taking too a bit to loud.

hopefull we will see the outcome, my money is on the bank, if they have cocked up then Tom is in for a shed load of compensation and rigently so.