Shogun (Disney Fx)


MacMaghnuis said, 1711643377

Carlos The new series is 90% in Japanese with subtitles.

Carlos said, 1711701984

MacMaghnuis said

Carlos The new series is 90% in Japanese with subtitles.

Ah….thought it might be….Even so I would like to see it.  But won’t pay for Disney.  No logic, just prejudice…🤫🤔🤣.

Gwenny said, 1711702692

It might have subtitles for the audience, but Blackthorne doesn't see them :-) So he's still in the dark with a lot of things and has to rely on the tone and body language of people to asses what's going on.

Well worth seeing. Just wait until the whole series is done (should be 4 more weeks) - they already said there won't be a "season 2" Shogun = book 1 of the Asia saga and they stick their guns to it. So that means, you just watch the whole thing on a Disney + Trial and cancel it inmeadetly. No money lost


Seems like Disney + doesn't even offer a trial anymore ! Jeez. 
Well, i'm obviously not going to tell you what to do with your money, but 10 episodes of Shogun at 1 hour each? 
I think that's solid entertainment for just 7 quid (i.e 1 month of D+) :)


Edited by Gwenny

Allesandro B said, 1711707500

Gwenny said

It might have subtitles for the audience, but Blackthorne doesn't see them :-) So he's still in the dark with a lot of things and has to rely on the tone and body language of people to asses what's going on.

Well worth seeing. Just wait until the whole series is done (should be 4 more weeks) - they already said there won't be a "season 2" Shogun = book 1 of the Asia saga and they stick their guns to it. So that means, you just watch the whole thing on a Disney + Trial and cancel it inmeadetly. No money lost


Seems like Disney + doesn't even offer a trial anymore ! Jeez. 
Well, i'm obviously not going to tell you what to do with your money, but 10 episodes of Shogun at 1 hour each? 
I think that's solid entertainment for just 7 quid (i.e 1 month of D+) :)


Edited by Gwenny

I'm definitely taking your advice 😉 I loved the books and the original TV series.

MacMaghnuis said, 1711714337

I don't know one end of Japan from the bother but the producers make a big thing about how authentically they have recreated the costumes, customs and mannerisms of medieval Japan. Good plot and lots of scheming too.

MacMaghnuis said, 1712767246

Wow, episode this weeknwas a cracker!

RobertP said, 1713285340

I finally finished the book. It was above average. Worth the 99p I paid for it. I'm glad I picked up it on when it was on offer though. This was a one and done. I shan't be reading it again.

MacMaghnuis said, 1713286519

I've been making slow progress with System Collapse but I think Shogun has to be next on my list.

ADFoto said, 1713329108

Shogun is one of my all time favourite books. I've watched a few clips of the new show and was initially keen to see it, but having read a few spoilers, the way the 're-imagining' diverges so much from the original story would probably drive me nuts. The old Chamberlain version, while very dated now, at least sticks to the book. 

Edited by ADFoto

OriginalSin said, 1713358111

When Shogun ends I’d recommend Fallout, based on the game with the same name. I’m a poet but didn’t know it! 🤪

MacMaghnuis said, 1713370020

OriginalSin I've watched 6 episodes already. Fallout 4 one of my fav games. It's good

OriginalSin said, 1713370285

MacMaghnuis said

OriginalSin I've watched 6 episodes already. Fallout 4 one of my fav games. It's good

I still play it every so often and fired it up again when I learned of the TV series. I am also enjoying Shogun which has a great story (remember the original on TV in my youth) as well as good cinematography and costumes. I am a big fan of Japanese culture.

MacMaghnuis said, 1713370361

OriginalSin Coincidentally I also love the game Shogun TW.

Gyokko said, 1713374602

Loving the new Shogun.. I watched the original as a kid and found it boring but brutal at times....until the Ninjas came at the end. I have yet to see how this one concludes.

Scott Bowman said, 1713388691

Shogun has been excellent. I am aware of it's origins from the book and the 80's show but this has been a fantastic watch. The acting, costumes and set design are of a high standard which make it feel quite authentic. There's lots of plotting, betrayal, twists and shocks, making this feel like a Japanese Game of Thrones without the fantasy element.