Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...


Tabitha Boydell said, 1605355527

Mike H. said

Aside from getting back to cooking my own food, walking is the only thing that has helped me.

I am a freelancer and work from home all the time. Lockdown shouldn't have affected me quite so severely but it really broke a lot of small social patterns I didn't realise I relied on to such an extent.

I had more than a bit of an anxiety panic during the first lockdown (and was carefully nurtured out of it by some very kind people including Huw , MidgePhoto , Tabitha BoydellBecky KvittemsDivinelyDee, ).

I did manage to get life back on the rails, and then it slowly drifted away a bit just with the absolute exhaustion of being alone. All. The. Time.

Right now I am in quite a challenging place with motivation and lack of focus, but trying to fight with little things every day*. And I think that is all you can do. One day at a time.

I treated myself to a pair of Hi-Tec walking boots which arrived today and now all the mud is my friend so I will get out there again with my proper camera. But I've been learning to use my iPhone camera properly and really enjoying that, actually; the shift of mindset.

Without getting back into the debate, I think some outdoor shoots are possible, but it's absolutely clear that the window is closing for anything other than autumn/winter fashion which is, errr, maybe not your gig! :-)

* Also trying to kick a filthy coconut milk hot chocolate dependency. I just left both ingredients off my ASDA list so let's see how that goes ;-)

Edited by Mike H.

Ah thank you for the mention. So glad I was able to help :)

Zara_Lee said, 1605380409

This year has been rubbish for myself. I know It has been for everyone. But certain events happened this year that really hit me.

Throw lockdown into it makes it worse can't see friends etc.

But this time round I know what didnt work for me last time.

It is still difficult though.

Degsy said, 1605484910

Angel Black UK said

I'm truly sorry to those that feel deeply saddened with the current events. My messages are always open, so please feel free to message me. I'm happy to listen to a vent, or a rant or just if you want a pick me up. Please don't think you're alone. We might be strangers but its the kindness of those strangers that will get us all through these darker months :)

So, nice to read. I too, am feeling everyone's pain. When we had lockdown in March, the weather was starting to improve and I worked on a decking project. Now, it is fairly cold out there, I am writing screenplays. I have finished one and now I'm on my second. Even if it never gets made, I have found it is so therapeutic. Brain training, language skills, grammar, spelling and plot lines are good to keep you engaged in something. I have wanted to write a horror film for a long time and now I have finished it - multiple rewrites. My second script is very different. I think with photography, it's finding other subjects to shoot. Yes, I'd rather be doing portraits and concept shots, but hey, there's food and there will be little still lifes and - when this frickin' rain gives over - some landscapes! said, 1605532795

Hey Gem, your little video always brings a smile to what could be a dull day. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones as I'm a key worker so am kept busy through out the day. I've really missed shoots this year, and also events. I was all booked to do the Paris marathon and a few triathlons but with the closure  of gyms and swimming pools I've turned to a couch potato . Usually shoot weddings and haven't shot one this year, a first in 25 years. 

fotobanana said, 1605533064