Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...


art65 said, 1605010880

Left to my own devices I am perfectly happy pottering around the allotment, garden and painting studio. I have a natter with my friends occasionally on the phone or laptop and I am pretty content.

More difficult for me is spending 2 out of every 6 weeks caring for my 95 year old mum during which time my life really is on hold as I go through the daily routine of housekeeping and nursing.

I am very careful with social distancing when at home but when I stay with my mum I am regularly exposed to outside intervention as she often needs the attention of medical personel to visit the home.

My message to you is hang in and look forward to the future. This is temporary. The younger ones amoung you have years ahead to enjoy.

CalmNudes said, 1605011426

Lack of shoots,  realising that I truly hate my job and the people I work with (in the lose sense) but dare not change and where before at 5:30 I walked out and left it behind now "working from home" means I don't get away from it. And homes are not set up to have two adults working and a teenager confined to quarters. My family are getting on my nerves, my mother is housebound, suffering from mild dementia and deteriorating (it is truly horrible to find yourself thinking "We're doing all this to protect people like her from Covid... is it worth it?" about your own mother). She is demanding more of my time and getting more and more frustrating, the last time I left the house to do something I wanted to was a month ago today.  My physical and mental health aren't great. 

So yeah I feel pretty sorry for myself, but I heard recently a friend I'd lost touch with had died living a family behind, and keep hearing of people who are either sick, or financially up shit creek thanks to covid and keep telling myself to count my blessings instead of thinking of self harm. I guess there are a lot of us in the same boat. 

Hardwick said, 1605011776

The first lockdown was quite a pleasant experience for me, I began cycling again after not being on a bike for around 25 years, it was lovely being on the quiet roads with nobody around.  Later in the summer I learned to swim and began open water swimming in a lake but I wasn't feeling creative at all.  The last few weeks have been tough, I think the stress of the situation and realisation my income has dried up completely has caused a diverticulitis flare up and I've been really poorly.  

I've decided to run a project over this lockdown and have several casting asking for volunteers to photograph themselves, the theme is 'bare skin' but definitely safe for work.  The aim is to exhibit the finished piece in a local artist's exhibition then  see where it goes.


CalmNudes said

Lack of shoots,  realising that I truly hate my job and the people I work with (in the lose sense) but dare not change and where before at 5:30 I walked out and left it behind now "working from home" means I don't get away from it. And homes are not set up to have two adults working and a teenager confined to quarters. My family are getting on my nerves, my mother is housebound, suffering from mild dementia and deteriorating (it is truly horrible to find yourself thinking "We're doing all this to protect people like her from Covid... is it worth it?" about your own mother). She is demanding more of my time and getting more and more frustrating, the last time I left the house to do something I wanted to was a month ago today.  My physical and mental health aren't great. 

So yeah I feel pretty sorry for myself, but I heard recently a friend I'd lost touch with had died living a family behind, and keep hearing of people who are either sick, or financially up shit creek thanks to covid and keep telling myself to count my blessings instead of thinking of self harm. I guess there are a lot of us in the same boat. 

I understand the work thing, something we are considering seriously. Is it time to down size, find a nicer area to live, change jobs to make us happie. I mean, 35 hrs a week hating a job is not healthy.

So, I understand.

RexV said, 1605012556

My main fear is that I'll run out of decorating to do ... fortunately, my wife assures me that there's no chance of that happening :(


Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ aka nudie butt said

Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...I go for 2 walks a day but that is not enough...tell me how the virus is affecting you...

Are you bubbling with anyone?

mph said, 1605013942


Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ aka nudie butt said

Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...I go for 2 walks a day but that is not enough...tell me how the virus is affecting you...

Are you bubbling with anyone?

That’s very personal! 

;) ;) ;)

Sam Kelly said, 1605016343

Difficult times for a lot of people, I am lucky, able to work from home, with brief visits to site to break the monotony. I can see how people more prone to depression or low mood might be feeling extremely isolated.

As people have suggested, break the days into chunks, and try and have goals or objectives for some of the time, set aside time for specific tasks if you can and create routines. Use social media in all its forms to communicate with family,  friends, and colleagues. Try and be positive, there is light at the end of the tunnel albeit only a faint glimmer at the moment. 

Missing family is awful,my son lives 300 miles away and is expecting our first grandchild imminently, but we won't be able to visit until after the lockdown ends, and whilst that is rubbish, at least it is giving us something to look forward to soon we hope.

Take care all, if I can help in any way let me know

Michael Galea said, 1605016997

Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ aka nudie butt said

Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...


I am lucky in that I live with my wife and son, but unable to see my 90yr old mum, brothers , sisters and friends. I try to keep contact by ringing them once a week. Many men are not very good at just ringing for a chat, or at least I'm not. Women seem much better at just picking up the phone and ring for a natter.  I much prefer to meet up for a brew or a pint and be with them in person. You are not alone in finding this situation difficult. Many, many people are struggling with this too. We are social animals and this is not normal for us (though there are some that prefer not seeing other people, I think they are in the minority). Just keep on thinking about the new vaccine and how things will get back to normal soon. 

CF Photography said, 1605017358

If offered to talk to anyone who needs a chat but no one has ever taken me up on the offer.

Guess I'm lucky in one way I'm classed as a key working and have worked every day since this madness begin. But out of work I'm alone and don't see friends or family as they have family's ie kids, wife or boy/girl friends.

So I know how hard it is in this crazy times....

Happy to chat and try to make you smile. As long as I get prove you are smiling and laughing.

Take care every one there is light at the end of the tunnel now ...

Alan Ewart said, 1605017522

Gosh, it’s worrying to see so many of you feeling so down or depressed at present.  I have suffered in the past but I have got through this year largely unscathed.

A lot of people are suffering because everything feels out of our control at present.  If anyone wants to discuss coping techniques feel free to DM. 

Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ said, 1605018218


Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ aka nudie butt said

Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...I go for 2 walks a day but that is not enough...tell me how the virus is affecting you...

Are you bubbling with anyone?

haha yes but he is at work all day, so evenings are ok 

Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ said, 1605018257

thank you everyone for the replies 

Photorunner said, 1605018524

Wrote that without thinking, Hope life brightens up for you soon. 

Edited by photorunner


mph said


Miss Diamond Sparkle 💕☯ aka nudie butt said

Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...I go for 2 walks a day but that is not enough...tell me how the virus is affecting you...

Are you bubbling with anyone?

That’s very personal! 

;) ;) ;)

Could say farting in the bath :-)