Really struggling mentally with the lack of shoots and not seeing my friends...


JPea said, 1604998716

It is very easy to get down in the present situation.

The wasted time and opportunities can get to you, but I feel, and always felt that you have to just get on with life....whatever life it is...and to look at others who have had it far worse.

I managed to see the wonderful film, " They shall not grow old", the other night...appropriate reminder for this time of year.

Young men and women who lost several years of their lives in a traumatic way, or indeed lost their lives totally.

What I have to grumble about is trivial by comparison.

I keep reminding myself that self pity is not an attractive trait.

Angel Black UK said, 1605000262

Cliff Mdx oh thankyou Cliff :) I'm just trying to help those I can:)

Steve 1 said, 1605000354

The first lockdown I retired and had plenty of work around the house and garden I just paced my self on how many jobs I did a day and after a couple of months it was getting me down being restricted on where we could go.

This time around I'm finding it harder, money is tight and not sure i'll be doing model photography much longer.

Winter months is never a good time for me, short dull days soon puts me in the doldrums.

Onwards and upwards.

andrew james 71 said, 1605001046

As someone who has migraines I get very down at times especially when I have a migraine. Also due to my sight loss it really affects my mental health as I can't do as much as I want to and at times I am just knackered all the time.

I am really missing doing shoots and only managed to get one done this year. Like many other people I have been going for a walk each day and taking my camera with me at least once a week and enjoying this but still want to do a shoot with a model in a studio.

On a couple of good points I won my pip case and just waiting for the back money to come in. And one of my photos is going into the Guild of Photographers lockdown competition as a representative for Scotland.

Please everyone stay safe

Mirror Image'S' said, 1605001379

I'm lucky enough ( or unlucky does depend how you look at it) I do many miles with my job and visit between 15 and 20 sites a day and also have a teenage son ( not that you get much out of him lol) and a husband so human contact isn't an issue. I have missed taking pics of models though.....but im always around if anyone wants to drop me a message for a chat ;-)

Mirror Image'S' said, 1605001512

Kizer not just the older retired....I work full time but my job doesn't pay me enough to cover some of the extortionate rates ive been quoted recently, really quite inexperienced models asking for half my weeks wages for a 3 hour fashion shoot ��

Orson Carter said, 1605002297

mph said

I’m doing OK - just conventionally pissed off about the whole situation but only in a proportionate way. Vulnerable (through age only AFAIK!)  and living quietly with my wife - and we get on very well together which is the main thing.

Really? You should hear what she says behind your back. :) :) :) 

TheFuntographer said, 1605003328

I've been working from home since before the lockdown and don't expect to go back into the office until at least March. I work in IT - so I can work anywhere; fortunately my job in tertiary education is secure. I'm comfortable with my own company during the day - but I do miss going out with colleagues to have a cuppa and a chat. Yes, I can do that online - but it's not the same.

I walk several times a day to get my 15K steps in


Luckily i work from home, at weekends we go for long walks 7 miles upwards normally.

The Chilterns is a stunning place, last weekend we hit Hurley not far from Henley and had a great walk in the autumnal sunshine.

We make our walks longer too, it helps with something to do, 3.5 hrs or more, helps you sleep and gets you fitter.

We are also looking, well slowly started turning our garden over as a veg plot, and even thinking of keeping chickens.

A forest would be great to be able to make our own toilet roll.

It's not easy, i have loved ones off with mental issues from this, therapy is luckily working though.

Steve 1 said, 1605007258

Orson Carter said

mph said

I’m doing OK - just conventionally pissed off about the whole situation but only in a proportionate way. Vulnerable (through age only AFAIK!)  and living quietly with my wife - and we get on very well together which is the main thing.

Really? You should hear what she says behind your back. :) :) :) 


Paul Archer Photography said, 1605010021

Have a browse, hope it helps a little :)


art65 said, 1605010141

Mr Dave said

I normally live on my own with my dogs but I've got it sorted for this lockdown as I've got a PP model living with me - at least till Christmas ... 

Blimey. result!

mph said, 1605010679

Kizer said

Orson Carter said

mph said

I’m doing OK - just conventionally pissed off about the whole situation but only in a proportionate way. Vulnerable (through age only AFAIK!)  and living quietly with my wife - and we get on very well together which is the main thing.

Really? You should hear what she says behind your back. :) :) :) 


Me too! Mind you, Orson’s wife says I’m a better lover than he is so I guess that's fair enough!


Paul Archer Photography said

Have a browse, hope it helps a little :)


Nice advice, also write down your fears, and work on them.

One for my loved one was to pay for something herself, go into a shop.

Slowly it is working, another is feed the birds without gloves.

Paol Foto said, 1605010768

if you have fairly recently moved then are away from familiar surroundings and the isolation of the pandemic can make it feel worse. I had just moved when the first lockdown occurred plus on top of that lost my job at the same time, but managed through with the network of online friends and finding solitude exploring the open countryside on my doorstep. This time round, I feel better in my surroundings but as this lockdown started my elderly mother had a fall resulting in a hip operation, but due to Covid none of us can visit her, so along with Alzheimer's she must be very confused and feeling alone. So keeping occupied converting cabin into a studio / office out in the garden in the interim. You have some lovely walking areas along the Thames, Virginia Water and on Surrey Heath around you.