Would anyone be interested in a group online social meet up


John 75 said, 1591263439

Great idea please count me in.

The Pix Factory said, 1591264153

Yes Id be interested in this. I use Zoom extensively now with work and it would be really useful for a social meet. If a couple of co hosts are identified you can even set up breakaway rooms etc for smaller discussions. A fab idea I reckon. :)

The Pix Factory said, 1591264248

...There is also a share screen facility in zoom which means images can be shared etc. 

♥ Chiara Elisabetta said, 1591266206

K.M. said

❀ Chiara Elisabetta said

Thist thread isn’t about shoots, I’m not sure where you got that from?

And Facebook has nothing to do with Zoom. My friend, @maverickuk who started organising one of the online socials merely uses his Facebook page to advertise to other creatives, (most of them Purpleport members) that’s all.

Two days ago, while I was responding, a notification from a group shoot appeared and I commented on it in passing. Then people started assuming I couldn't tell the difference between a social call and a shoot. I understand that not everything is about taking photos. I rarely take any during tutorials because I'm more interested in helping newer photographers or quietly observing.

I know Zoom has nothing to do with Facebook. That's why I'm asking what could be considered lazy questions about the event. This is the first I'm hearing about it and I don't know where to go for details. I'll message the account you reference on PP. I don't like the premise of Zoom, which is why I was asking about being able to join without talking at first.

Yes, the reason I tagged Mav in my reply to you was so you could contact him since he is the one who, every Sunday night runs the equivalent of the 'London social' which was a monthly London meet-up at a pub in London Bridge.. obviously you don't have to be from London to join in with his remote social on Zoom, just part of the model / photography industry. Chat isn't typically about gear or photography as I said - it's a bunch of mates hanging out and catching up.. and sometimes there are silly / fun games, and lots of new people join in every week too so it's not purely a clique of people who already know each other really well.
Hope that explains it better.

I know a few people who are suspicious of using Zoom for privacy reasons; you're not the first - not sure what to say to that. I have downloaded Zoom, but only on my old iPad, not my phone or my Mac..

Kevin Allen said, 1591269575

New PP group added so that we can advertise or promote any Virtual social meets that we have set up or know about.


Kev :)

Edited by Kevin Allen