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Gobby teenagers!



By fStopBob1977, 1561458022

So today I had to call in sick to work because I got knocked over outside work yesterday by a cocky teenage gobshite, who came speeding out of a blind alleyway on his BMX. He somehow found it funny and had the opinion that is was my fault, before riding off. I ended up with a badly gashed forearm, a whopper of a bruise on my hip and a torn groin muscle, thus rendering me barely able to walk this morning.

The whole incident has made me come to realise how ignorant, disrespectful,careless, irresponsible and downright rude some of today's teenagers can be. Seems some parents don't know how to teach their kids respect and responsibility these days. I don't ever remember growing up being so disrespectful to others, I wasn't brought up that way, so it makes me wonder why people of my generation who have kids seem to have lost the basic skills of parenting. 

Dr Stairway said, 1561458282

Theres no discipline in schools or at home anymore. This is because it just isn't allowed. Teenagers are physically allowed to walk out of a classroom these days and can even refuse detention. Kids can do what they like when they like and know they can get away with it. Things will only get worse. It's a shame you've had to endure this but I do feel your pain. Teenagers are just rude and nasty to their elders these days. It goes even younger in some cases I've heard the lad living next door to us use incredibly bad language to his mother and hes about 6 years old. I fear for the way people are in this era.

Richard Winn said, 1561458510

Did you report it? Chances are the police won't (or won't be able to) do much, but at least you will have a report on file in case of further problems. If it was a pedestrianised area, then they are likely breaking a bye law and if you're lucky if may be on cctv.

Edited by Richard Winn

NeilWhiteley said, 1561458547

I'm not sure that it's a totally modern phenomena. I knew some pretty gobby teenagers when I was one, back in the 70s.

...but not me though, obviously.

Edited by NeilWhiteley

Louise Clewlow Photography said, 1561459851

Relaxed parenting, young parents, schools hands being tied, social media .. take your pick! Sadly it’s never just down to one thing but a combination of things that cause it. Unfortunately the era that we are in is one where the rules no longer apply.

I am a mother of 6, I have 3 teens and I’m hugely grateful that mine are praised on how respectful and polite they are. I’ve never even had cause to ground them. But they’re targets for the gobby shits. Even st my youngest kids school there are regular altercations between gobby parents! Those that have no problem airing their problems in a playground in full ear of young children, and it’s these parents who then end up wondering why their kids turn into dicks with no respect for them.

Jerome Razoir said, 1561460056

fStopBob1977 said

So today I had to call in sick to work because I got knocked over outside work yesterday by a cocky teenage gobshite, who came speeding out of a blind alleyway on his BMX. He somehow found it funny and had the opinion that is was my fault, before riding off. I ended up with a badly gashed forearm, a whopper of a bruise on my hip and a torn groin muscle, thus rendering me barely able to walk this morning.

The whole incident has made me come to realise how ignorant, disrespectful,careless, irresponsible and downright rude someof today's teenagers can be. Seems some parents don't know how to teach their kids respect and responsibility these days. I don't ever remember growing up being so disrespectful to others, I wasn't brought up that way, so it makes me wonder why people of my generation who have kids seem to have lost the basic skills of parenting. 

I was so glad to see the word 'some' in your post. Some of us old grumpies would not have been so even handed.

Sadly you are completely correct about the other side of the coin.

I used to work in a prison for over 18 years. I was regularly seeing significant numbers of young men coming who were second or third generation un-parented.
The whole attitude was that the world owed them a living and they had to give nothing back.

As a matter of ideology, I am a little reluctant to see this as an entirely modern phenomenon but empirically, it certainly does appear to be worse these days.

On a slightly different tack (because it brings in many older people) it is long overdue that cyclists were properly dealt with by the police and other relevant authorities.
It has got to the stage were some cyclists seem to believe they are immune from the law. The Road Traffic Act DOES apply to them and it is an offence to cycle on a footpath.

I hope that you are well again very soon.

mph said, 1561460187

Dr Stairway said

Theres no discipline in schools or at home anymore. This is because it just isn't allowed. Teenagers are physically allowed to walk out of a classroom these days and can even refuse detention. Kids can do what they like when they like and know they can get away with it. Things will only get worse. It's a shame you've had to endure this but I do feel your pain. Teenagers are just rude and nasty to their elders these days. It goes even younger in some cases I've heard the lad living next door to us use incredibly bad language to his mother and hes about 6 years old. I fear for the way people are in this era.

In fairness, plenty of teachers have probably met gobby parents - who were probably gobby teenagers some years ago.

When I was young, getting into trouble at school resulted in getting into trouble at home too - not my parents going into school to bollock the teacher! Teachers need supporting if they are to help youngsters develop.

Jeff Horne said, 1561460340

It's not a generational thing.  Some people are just cocky gobshites.  You've just met a young one. 

Matt David said, 1561460438

I've been a teacher and trust me, the most lethal sanction you have these days is "please don't do that again or I'll be cross".

Absolutely ridiculous.

Synergy Photoworks said, 1561460856

Dr Stairway

They can even commit murder and have the right to anonymity!

fStopBob1977 said, 1561460918

I agree with there being a number of different factors to the way some people act, I think one thing that is a major factor is how we seem to have become ruled by the "PC brigade" and their "oh you can't do that, you'll hurt his/her feelings" snowflake society. Well sod their feelings, what about teaching them some discipline, respect and right from wrong?

Synergy Photoworks said, 1561461138


... although it doesn’t help

when the schools actively encourage children to defy their parents.

Cliff Mdx said, 1561461670

fStopBob1977 said

Well sod their feelings, what about teaching them some discipline, respect and right from wrong?

Who are you suggesting does the teaching .... and how do they go about it? Which is preferable .... snowflake or Saudi Arabia?

I used to teach vulnerable teenagers who frequently went off on one.  It never failed to get the result I wanted when I said, "I'm not shouting at you.  Why are you shouting at me?"

I'm a firm believer that when you treat people like dirt they behave like dirt .... and vice versa.

Poppy Radcliffe said, 1561461699

And some kids were horrid a generation ago and there were some vile ones before that and the Greeks were complaining about the state of the youth.

Actually if anything today's youth are better behaved on average, they drink less, smoke less, do less drugs etc etc.

photome2 said, 1561461713

Ah..the poor thing..what about the teenagers Human Rights..."Duck.................here comes the blackboard rubber"

IWarnerPhotography said, 1561461776

Mamby pamby state, a laughing stock of the world, this is what we have become. No discipline anywhere in society, a legal system that doesn't punish crime just rewards it. A government that made it totally okay for young girls to breed like rabbits and be rewarded by handouts and a roof over their head for free. Ethic groups occupying areas of cities and towns and turning them into ghettos and crime rife areas and again the government just letting this happen. So it really is no wonder whatsoever that some teenagers or even younger not having any respect for anything or anyone, respect needs to be taught from a very young age and from their elders, sadly their is no respect for anyone or anything coming from the top (government) and as the saying goes "shit rolls downhill".