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Stan and Ollie

Horrify Me

By Horrify Me, 1547976746

Another passion of mine aside horror films is Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy. I know a huge volume of their work intimately having devoured them so much through my life. When Robert Downey Jn played Chaplin in Richard Attenborough’s biopic, it was mesmerising and I still go back to it often. Stan and Ollie had a mountain to climb to be even half as good as Chaplin.

Yesterday I saw Stan and Ollie, which was actually great. John C Riley is so perfect as Hardy, he literally vanishes into the character. It’s a true masterclass in character observation. Steve Coogan wasn’t such a good choice though, I often felt like the credits should read Alan Partridge as Stan Laurel. His performance took me out of the moment quite a few times. I just don’t think he has the chops for this role.

Some of the skits they recreate are beautiful, and the look of the film is totally authentic. It doesn’t have the epic scope of Chaplin, as it really only tells the short story of their post film career. I really wish it had been more, I would have loved to see more of the James Finlayson character that was only hinted at in this film, and was disappointed that there was no Walter Long or Charlie Hall, but if you love Laurel and Hardy then this is worth a watch. I doubt it will convert many to their films the way Chaplin did but it’s a nice little feel good movie that’s fun to watch.

Banksy said, 1547977533

I completely agree - I enjoyed the film and your observations about JC Riley's portrayal of Hardy are spot on, as indeed the Alan Partridge-isation of Laurel. There were times when he was spot on, but as you say some were not.

As a lover of L&H for many years I was enthralled in the movie from end to end, however it did leave me wanting more - I could have sat through an additional hour if that was filled with more of their rehearsals  of their lines, sketches etc.

A very touching and poignant film though, where for me JC Riley/Hardy is the star of the show.

CalmNudes said, 1547978250

Thanks for that, I've been thinking about going to see the film; a "great" with qualifications form someone who's thought about it is a good push to go.  

Alan Ewart said, 1547979999

Thank you for posting this.  I loved Laurel and Hardy as a kid and have fond memories of my dad actually crying with laughter watching them.  

I have some free time this week so I think I will check it out 👍

RenAKA said, 1547982819

Genuinely cannot wait to see it at the pictures, used to love watching Laurel and Hardy with my dad :)

Timmee said, 1548179990

Me too - I've seen the trailers and it looks teriffic. :-)

Eva Ready said, 1548191981

I loved this film. Very sensitively done and told the behind the scenes story of their friendship. Funny as you'd expect as well as very touching. Go and see it!

JPea said, 1548195547

L&H are ,with Buster Keaton, my two comic geniuses.( L&H are so much one that I classify them as one).

I don't think I could bear to see the sad reality. I want always to have them as the two characters, both in silent and sound films, that have been able to reduce me to helpless laughter, but with an added something that no one could get near. 

I would prefer to see a film about the genius of Stan Laurel, not the sad decline of them both.

This is not a criticism of the film, which I understand to be excellent. 

It is me, not wanting to be disillusioned.

DavidGB said, 1548228645

Yep, loved the film. I grew up in the time when their films were constantly being run during the daytime, they were comic geniuses. Anyway, in case you don't know, their movies are slowly being restored by UCLA in the US, sadly it looks like they have no timescale for releasing them to bluray/streaming at present. Take a look here . 

Incandescent Photography said, 1548502317

I really enjoyed Stan and Ollie, set at really interesting time of their career and it’s a love sorry really, the love of their wives who have some of the bests lines and are superbly played and love of their partnership. Considering they were thrown together by Hal Roach to make up for the loss of talent like Harold Lloyd. Personally I’m not a great fan of Steve Coogan I think he’s quite limited and not a particulary crafted comedian, but he was terrific in the role of Larrel. I particulary loved all of the tiny mannerisms and detail, it’s what made it for me especially when you look at the original dance routine in credits at the end. A big kick was seeing the Lido in Worthing make and appearance, I’ve shot there a few times so I never knew L&H had judged a beauty talent show there. Overall I thought it was a delight and very much made me want to view the L&H back catalogue of work.

Edited by Incandescent Photography

Edited by Incandescent Photography

Edited by Incandescent Photography

LifeModel said, 1548503643

Horrify Me I think you've been a bit hard on Steve Coogan - John C. Riley I've never heard of, so it was kind of easy to accept him in the role of Hardy. 

Of course it's hard to watch Steve Coogan without occasionally recalling him as Partridge (especially given his Russian missus!), but for me this reflects the strength of the character he has created and doesn't indicate a weakness in his performance as Stan Laurel.

Terrific film and well worth going to see. Both parts played with considerable subtlety without which it could never have worked.