What are you listening to?


Jason Roy said, 1489395824

Deep Purple - Woman from Tokyo.

Play it very loud and make sure its the five minute version!

I P H O T O U K said, 1489397651

White Lies - Friends.

I only discovered them yesterday, and now i'm hooked.

bad john said, 1489399927

Lots of piano concertos in a play list.  Right now it is Beethoven's 4th.  

David van Oost said, 1489403339

Handel ,  always good to start the day with Handel and a very back coffee ,

Stephen Roissy said, 1489403451

Is there anybody out there? - Pink Floyd

c h r i s said, 1489602349

The Smiths.

Team Coles Photography said, 1489602475

'One Day More' Les Miserables 

sassydee said, 1489621840

Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home.

I like a throwback to music I use to listen to often :)

Alan Ewart said, 1489691099

Today I have mostly been listening to "Architects - All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us"

A stunning album for all you metalheads and those who want to channel their inner rock god/goddess 

hyperphoto said, 1489692215

Heavy - Collective Soul

Jon Downs said, 1489744330

placebo - B3

Tink Kaos said, 1489744462

Architects - Daybreaker. A masterpiece.

Jon Downs said, 1489744675

Tinkerbella said

Architects - Daybreaker. A masterpiece.

just listening - freaking love it so far! thanks for the recommendation!

Alan Ewart said, 1489745714

Tinkerbella said

Architects - Daybreaker. A masterpiece.

Great album but I'm addicted to "All our gods have abandoned us".

this mornings dog walking was to Bury Tomorrow- Earthbound 

Tink Kaos said, 1489745914

Jon Downs said

Tinkerbella said

Architects - Daybreaker. A masterpiece.

just listening - freaking love it so far! thanks for the recommendation!

No problem big man!