Just disgusting, why would you want to do this?


RenAKA said, 1500593659

Colin Adams said

Let's just shoot animals with our cameras?

Yes ♥

Pete01 said, 1500594386

Dirty cowardly scum! I really hope that someday some activists go out there and chase those dirty c*nts around with a gun to see how they like it!, and then when they've been non-fatally injured with a shot to the boll*x left there to provide a meal for the big cats!.

DanielStoneModel said, 1500594903

Whilst personally I dont agree with hunting for sport, hunting plays a huge part in conservation of animals. I initially came across that information through a Louis Theroux documentary, it was a self titled series, episode 7 I beleive (it's on UK Netflix at the moment. the whole series is actually really interesting!). He goes into it in much the way that most empathetic people would do, it's a horribl, horrible thing and it shouldn't exist. Now that view is one I support, I really don't agree with hunting for sport but a lot of these animals are bred for the hunt on special reserves. Once they have been hunted they are treated like any meat froma  farm would be, except the head is sold to the hunter for taxidermy.

Honestly, give the documentary a watch "Louis Theroux: Episode 7 african hunting holiday" it helped me understand the whole thing slightly better, I still don't agree with it personally, but it seems a necessary evil in order to support conservation.

Just my 2 cents, hope someone enjoyed reading :)

J. Southworth said, 1500598076

I know that some people pay a great deal of money to hunt big game animals, if it goes to conservation then maybe this does more good than harm.

In the wild, old or sick lions usually end up being ripped to pieces by hyenas.

CalmNudes said, 1500598427

Colin Adams said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

I was asking why would anyone want to do this, what kind of sick f*ck pays big bucks to kill these beautiful creatures? 

An American one, obviously. 

Colin Adams said

Killing animals for fun? Makes me sick.

Angling remains massively popular in the UK.

I'm mostly with you. Killing elephants for their ivory or sharks for the fins is a dreadful waste (I don't have as much of a problem if someone is going to eat the animal). I honestly don't know where the line should get drawn ... fishing ? Fox hunting ? Big game hunting ?  


indemnity said, 1500598727

Colin Adams said

Killing animals for fun? Makes me sick.

Yep, I'm more a kind of 'Hostel' person. ;)

mph said, 1500621517

Pete01 said

Dirty cowardly scum! I really hope that someday some activists go out there and chase those dirty c*nts around with a gun to see how they like it!, and then when they've been non-fatally injured with a shot to the boll*x left there to provide a meal for the big cats!.

Always good to read a considered opinion.

NiloFido said, 1500623095

Alongside the Theroux documentaries I would suggest watching the " Dear Hunter" movie.

Alan Ewart said, 1500626614

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

You are totally correct of course, but what a totally fucked up world we live in.  

Hunting for conservation makes as much sense as fucking for virginity.

Colin Adams said, 1500626792

Without a totally corrupt Government conservation costs would be easily afforded.

mph said, 1500626962

Alan Ewart said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

You are totally correct of course, but what a totally fucked up world we live in.  

Hunting for conservation makes as much sense as fucking for virginity.

True - but when you consider the major cause in the reduction of the lion population is people hunting them for food or to prevent them killing their livestock one can imagine why some of the locals are less concerned with their conservation than we bleeding liberals in the West who think them pretty and cute.

To reiterate for those who don't read all the posts - I am equally critical of sport hunting as anyone here!

Znapps said, 1500627283

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

Sadly very true when you can't feed your family you kill wild animals to feed them. I so wish it was not the case. I have spent many years in Africa and a native once told me a leopard skin could feed his family for a year. I never know what to say to this because it's largely the fault of illegal poachers and the government.

Edited by Znapps

Alan Ewart said, 1500627491

mph said

Alan Ewart said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

You are totally correct of course, but what a totally fucked up world we live in.  

Hunting for conservation makes as much sense as fucking for virginity.

True - but when you consider the major cause in the reduction of the lion population is people hunting them for food or to prevent them killing their livestock one can imagine why some of the locals are less concerned with their conservation than we bleeding liberals in the West who think them pretty and cute.

To reiterate for those who don't read all the posts - I am equally critical of sport hunting as anyone here!

Yep, hunting is a hugely emotive issue, but it is a tiny part of the real issue.  Human action, most notably habitat destruction, is a much bigger problem.  

Of course that doesn't excuse killing animals for fun

mph said, 1500627625

Znapps said

mph said

Whilst finding it as unpleasant as most, this lion was killed legally and the income from hunting pays 70% of the costs of conservation and poaching control in Zimbabwe.

Nothing is simple in this world. :(

Sadly very true when you can't feed your family you kill wild animals to feed them. I so wish it was not the case. I have spent many years in Africa and a native once told me a leopard skin could feed his family for a year. I never know what to say to this because it's largely the fault of illegal poachers and the government.

And large  carnivores inspire opposition to conservation efforts owing to their impact on livestock and human safety.  In Tanzania, which has the largest population of lions in Africa, they killed more than 563 Tanzanians between 1990 and 2005 and injured at least 308. Attacks have increased dramatically: they peak at harvest time each year and are most frequent in areas with few prey apart from bush pigs (Potamochoerus larvatus), the most common nocturnal crop pest. 

DDT said, 1500627631

Personally I would love to see these "hunters" rounded up and made to play Battle Royale/Hunger games. Then they could be made to feel like real men and we'd be rid of them. 
If you cannot live with the rest of natures animals then you do not deserve to live at all.