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How do you deliver photos?


Raz McNulty

By Raz McNulty, 1733328465

Hi All,

I'm enjoying more portrait work at the minute.  My typical workflow is:

Shoot (obvs)
send small jpegs for client to choose from
Upload full size retouched
Export retouched as insta friendly 4x5 and 16x9

I use Google Drive.  Its a bit crumby but ok.


Is there a better way to make photos accessible for the client?

Is there any software that will auto size and crop the full res photos in a batch?

Many thanks


ANDY00 said, 1733328597

I use Dropbox but some use wetransfer or gmail etc i also have the abilty to create private gallery on website for clients to proof or download etc if needed

Edited by ANDY00

Holly Alexander Photography said, 1733328709

I use Photoshop to create contact sheets for clients to choose their final images from then to send final edit I use Dropbox as it means they are kept my end too.

Photoshop auto contact sheets is super easy to use to create contact sheets and you can select the sizes etc too.

Orson Carter said, 1733329674

I reduce the files to about half size - I reckon that shows enough detail - and send them via WeTransfer.  

Mike Riot said, 1733329874

Another vote for WeTransfer here

Paul Gerrard said, 1733330055

I use Picflow but have to pay for it. I generally do basic corrections and upload the full shoot exported at 60% resolution from Lightroom.

Picflow allows models/clients to approve/reject/choose favourites etc and it will create a file list I can copy and paste into Lightroom to easily select and mark the choices in one click. I can then create a sub gallery or galleries for finished edits, alternative crops etc. It all works well except some models seem to have problems downloading the full resolution files and go posting screenshots! It works nicely for viewing image galleries in full screen so i use it for stuff like sharing family photos too

OriginalSin said, 1733330366

Bike courier. But if that delivery system isn't feasible then it's Dropbox!

Gothic Image said, 1733331242

I usually shoot tethered, which gives the model a chance to choose on the laptop directly after the shoot.  If not, I get Capture One to generate a web contact sheet, upload it to my website and give the model the link.  Final delivery of edited images is usually by WeTransfer these days.

Tugmaster said, 1733331858

I use a Google drive folder for them to pick low res images then after editing use WeTransfer for the finished full size JPEG's.

If they want a certain size then I batch process the JPEG's in PaintShop Pro...

Brian Lewicki said, 1733332117

I do the edits, share via WhatsApp and upload to Wetransfer if they want the full resolution.

GerrySymonds said, 1733332415


RMF said, 1733332648

I prefer wetransfer as it gives notice that a client has downloaded photographs which others like Dropbox don't. This is important to me if client is paying as they can't dispute the download

Unfocussed Mike said, 1733332826

Remorse code. Dit dit dit nah.

Holly Alexander said, 1733332839

RMF my only issue with WeTransfer is the expiry date to download. With Dropbox the photos are there forever (or as long as I keep them there) and it's only around a tenner a month for 1 TB.

Not sure what the paid WeTransfer is like as I've only ever had to use it on the free version

Unfocussed Mike said, 1733332859

(Dropbox really)

Matt de-B Photography said, 1733332913

My first and preferred method is to send a secure shared link via my NAS (network attached storage - connected to the net) otherwise my second option is via OneDrive/SharePoint link for all image sizes