Home » Your Groups » General Chat » "Safe" groups for models/photographers

"Safe" groups for models/photographers



By TheChrisS, 1715265389

I've noticed recently that some photographers have "hijacked" (to use the term aggressively) posts that models start, to offer their views on a subject from their perspective.

Right now it seems that anybody can comment on a thread, whatever their creative role may be.

I wonder if the site developers would ever consider creating new groups on Purpleport where ONLY models could ever post, where ONLY photographers could post and where only MUAs could ever post, based on how their profile is set up?

So for example, my profile refers to me as a Photographer, so only people with that handle could ever post in that group, and vice versa for models.

For models in particular this would be a great thing as they could express their opinion on a topic and feel safe doing so without other parties trying to justify their actions. My view is that lots of models don't post or feel comfortable airing their views because of other domineering individuals who try and shout louder.

I think it's so important for people of a particular creative genre to get their voice heard and opinions shared without fear of aforementioned "hijacking".

What are your thoughts?

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JonC said, 1715265742

Such things already exist. There is both a photographers chat group that only photographers can access and a corresponding model chat group. Although bear in mind that some people have both a photographer and a model account.

TedBancroftPortraits said, 1715265799

Everyone payed their membership money, so they are all intitled to their own opionion, no matter what the subject heading is.

@Golding said, 1715265806

Fairly sure there is a part of the site only available to models... So they already have what you are asking for.

TheChrisS said, 1715266160

Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. I'm a non-paying member though, would that have any bearing on what groups I can access?

Photorunner said, 1715266264

As already mentioned, such groups already exist. Personally I think we can all learn from each other and as we are all creatives - we should be helping each other as much as possible. 

ANDY00 said, 1715266892

If there is a safety issue in the community or a specific thing that affects a particular group, especially with the aspect of your post title being ‘Safe’, wouldn’t it be best if the whole community knew there was an issue affecting or even one that irritates? That is how we fix them, is it not?

TheChrisS said, 1715267890

When I talk of "safe" I don't mean as in "danger". I mean as in "feel comfortable enough to have an opinion without feeling smothered by over-assertive individuals" :)

RAWing Waves said, 1715268068

TheChrisS said

When I talk of "safe" I don't mean as in "danger". I mean as in "feel comfortable enough to have an opinion without feeling smothered by over-assertive individuals" :)

Good luck with that, its what this forum is know for haha

Starglider Photography said, 1715268493

TheChrisS said,

"When I talk of "safe" I don't mean as in "danger". I mean as in "feel comfortable enough to have an opinion without feeling smothered by over-assertive individuals"

It will never happen.

Don't believe me, just look at any forum or newsgroup since they have existed.

@Golding said, 1715268900

TheChrisS you wouldn't see it because you log in as a photographer.

Just as if you logged in as a model you wouldn't see photographers chat..

seetheyes said, 1715268938

There are always choices which lead to consequences.

If you choose to visit a forum then be prepared. You seem to have done some research; use it. If you feel you are being bullied or feel that the system and or people are being abused then report it.

If you choose not to visit you may as a consequence miss something that you might find useful/edifying/funny etc.

You don't pay but that does not mean you cannot have a voice but be aware others have the same rights. 

ANDY00 said, 1715268959

The best things to do for that are to meet some like-minded individuals at group or community events, make friends, and support each other. In my opinion, forums (especially these forums) are not generally conducive to friendly conversation. a lot of the time its more of a battle ground it seems 

OriginalSin said, 1715269381 ... Comment buried because it was in breach of group etiquette

ANDY00 said, 1715270501 ... Comment buried because it quoted a buried reply

JonC said, 1715270441

Ha. This has gone to form quickly!

The question was - can there be separate group forums for Models and Photographers?

The answer was - There already is.

Not sure where all the other noise came from!

Edited by JonC