The dark side of modelling


indemnity said, 1715176866 ... Comment buried because it was ranting or trolling

Huw said, 1715176873

indemnity said

They'll sell a camera to anybody, they become instant photographers. The majority on here are not photographers, they are joiners, plumbers, teachers, civil servants, doctors, police, solicitors, shop assistants, farmers builders etc...there are sad sacks everywhere.

They'll even sell Medium Format Digital to anyone....


indemnity said, 1715176908

Huw said

indemnity said

They'll sell a camera to anybody, they become instant photographers. The majority on here are not photographers, they are joiners, plumbers, teachers, civil servants, doctors, police, solicitors, shop assistants, farmers builders etc...there are sad sacks everywhere.

They'll even sell Medium Format Digital to anyone....


Only fools. :)

Bunny Moonshine said, 1715178027

I had a shoot last year with a photographer who was of a certain age, who wanted to shoot topless.

I was more than happy to shoot to this level, but did disclose as I always do, that I have stretch marks that I like to have edited out. He agreed this wasn't an issue.

The day of the shoot comes and he's perfectly pleasant, we chat on the way to the studio, he seems happy.

We begin the shoot and after the first set, he asks me to step into the sunlight so that he could 'get a good look at these stretch marks'. This man then leaned in close to my stomach, remarked 'yes those are really bad!' when I then explained that they were a result of a weight loss journey all this man had to say was 'oh, so you were a really fat girl then!'

As a realistic person, I was prepared for remarks such as these when I started modelling but because I hadn't had a comment like this in two years, I'd let my guard down and it did take me by surprise... I hate to admit that it did also upset me. Had I not been candid before the shoot, I absolutely would have expected a comment or two but in my opinion his conduct was terrible.

Edited by Bunny Moonshine

HunterT said, 1715178202

indemnity I 1 hundred percent know what I typed. And notice the phrase knew. They got dropped like shit once I found out what they were doing.

richneil said, 1715179389

indemnity said

They'll sell a camera to anybody, they become instant photographers. The majority on here are not photographers, they are joiners, plumbers, teachers, civil servants, doctors, police, solicitors, shop assistants, farmers builders etc...there are sad sacks everywhere.

The implication being (I presume) that you can't be a "proper" photographer if you do it as a hobby and have a paying day-job. Or am I misinterpreting your comment? 

Edited by richneil

GDSandy Photography said, 1715179684

I think it is obviously daft to book a model who does not meet the requirements you have for the shoot.  Check them out beforehand, it is reasonably easy and if not possible find another.  Don't be rude regardless of where you are, what you or they are wearing etc.  It isn't hard.

Also, remember, this is Purpleport, not Elite.  Be reasonable in your expectations.

indemnity said, 1715182704

richneil said

indemnity said

They'll sell a camera to anybody, they become instant photographers. The majority on here are not photographers, they are joiners, plumbers, teachers, civil servants, doctors, police, solicitors, shop assistants, farmers builders etc...there are sad sacks everywhere.

The implication being (I presume) that you can't be a "proper" photographer if you do it as a hobby and have a paying day-job. Or am I misinterpreting your comment? 

Edited by richneil

The point was that the majority of offenders are not photographers but people in normal jobs you mix with everyday. The majority on here are hobby photographers and the model had experienced these unacceptable issues from normal everyday people. Buying a camera does not a photographer make. There is no way of identifying these offenders, they are not photographers, just everyday people. I think it might have been misunderstood.

MidgePhoto said, 1715182922

Some people manage to say that they like eg a bit of fur, tan lines - or not - without suggesting that their preference is a universal constant of aesthetic appeal.

Others, don't. 

Where possible it may be helpful to assume that when you bump into the latter they would just as soon be the former, and put it down to an infelicity of wording, rather than being despised.

My impression is that proper photographers are entirely likely to do plumbing - perhaps less so since darkrooms and chemistry became less standard - and carpentry, electrical adaptation, extension, replacement etc.  It works both ways.

Mel4nie said, 1715185579

Sadly I had had lots of poor experiences and have heard of others bad experiences too. Sadly if comes are taken off PurplePort, then the site will not take any action. Therefore there are photographer here with a seemly unblemished reputation who have been extremely rude and unprofessional.

To quote one photographer i shot with who had a 6 month waiting list of models looking to shoot with him, he turned around to me on a shoot and said ' you would look alright if you had a tummy tuck'.

Needless to say my confidence was shattered for a while.

Claret said, 1715187208

Bunny Moonshine Oh my goodness… :( That’s horrible. I’m sorry you had this experience!

CalmNudes said, 1715187926

Lo la said

I'm curious to see if anybody has had similar experiences with modeling where things have been said that have not been appropriate.

Explicitly touching a model and being creepy in that way is obviously a no go.And I feel these experiences are quite rare these days.

What I'd like to talk about here is how photographers talk to their models and it's not always done with consideration or a healthy attitude.

In my experience I can think of a few modelling shoots through purpleport, even with those with good references, Where things haven't been great.

Some photographers will tell you how they like models to look, Even specifying that they think things like pubic hair are unattractive!

I've had photographers, who I won't mention, compare me to other models and talk about ideal proportions.And insinuate or blatantly state how certain areas of my body are better than others.

When you are naked in company of a stranger , the power dynamics are strong. It's crazy some people think it's ok to speak like this to a model who is always vunerable because of this!

I find it absolutely unbelievable I've had these experiences where people have chipped away at my confidence due to ignorance. Or perhaps they are aware of what they are doing, and they think that they can shape models that they work with into looking the way they want them to ?

I feel strongly like this needs to be addressed.

It's a toxic element of purpleport and I think there will be a lot of people who ve had similar experiences if not worse.

Photographers need to be much aware of these power dynamics when models are posing nude especially.

The bit in bold first.  It's not a toxic element of PP as such, there are socially inept, rude, and downright nasty people to be found in most places, and whilst it would be lovely if modelling was a job where you didn't meet any... that's a lot easier said than done. 

Sites like PP can only do one thing: gather feedback from photographers and models about people who don't go about things properly who others need to be warned about  - not at the level of assault where really it should be a police matter, but at the level of creepiness which people shouldn't have to put up with in their job, even they aren't harmed by it. It's been said already but If you don't leave negative references for people who give you a bad experience, they will keep doing it.  When I see ' I feel strongly like this needs to be addressed'  I wonder if that is "I demand somebody else do something, but I'm not going to" 

Sadly, if you work with enough people 

Some photographers will tell you how they like models to look, Even specifying that they think things like pubic hair are unattractive!

Things like pubic hair do get talked about on the forums, people do have views (including models who decide what to do or not do with it). Having booked a model who has either let it grow or removed all trace and then saying you wish she'd done the opposite... tbh just makes the photographer look daft. 

insinuate or blatantly state how certain areas of my body are better than others.  

It's really unlikely that every bit of you is as good or bad as every other bit. But again either the photographer knew and booked you anyway, or didn't check beforehand and more fool them. If hypothetically someone says "Blimey your feet are HUGE!"  you're not going to say 'I brought another pair, I'll swap them' , are you :-) ? All it does is makes things awkward all round, and I do wonder if there are men who just like to make women feel bad and have chosen photography as a route to do it.  Most actual photographers learn to make positives and negatives about the pose or the light "that pose really isn't flattering", not "Your arse looks huge like that", but also "That's giving some great rib detail" not "Nice ribs!" and if I like what I'm seeing I show the back of the camera to the model and let her see what I like. I'm also not afraid to say "The previous way / thing we shot worked better". 

Comparing to other models is a similar way for the photographer to put their foot in their mouth. "You're not as tall as X", well great, you should have booked her then. Generally my experience of models is good so when I talk about another model it's "she was lovely." , "when the camera points at her something magical happens", "I wish I could work with her again" sometimes more than one of those. If the model form a view I'll say nice things about her to other people, she'd be right most times. 


BLA@K said, 1715188171

Mel4nie said

Sadly I had had lots of poor experiences and have heard of others bad experiences too. Sadly if comes are taken off PurplePort, then the site will not take any action. Therefore there are photographer here with a seemly unblemished reputation who have been extremely rude and unprofessional.

To quote one photographer i shot with who had a 6 month waiting list of models looking to shoot with him, he turned around to me on a shoot and said ' you would look alright if you had a tummy tuck'.

Needless to say my confidence was shattered for a while.

I do not believe I just read that I can only assume this person as the body of an Adonis  or just a complete wanker 

Mel4nie said, 1715190215

BLA@K sadly the latter!

BLA@K said, 1715190604

Mel4nie said

BLAMissKW sadly the latter!
