

Sensual Art said, 1714916503

MoonlitDoor I've only skim-read what you've written, but there are some pretty firm rebuttals to at least some of the points that you make, such as point 1 (see and point 3 (PP limit you to 15 images).

I shall refrain from commenting any more specifically about some of your other points, as they'd stray into the realm of unsolicited critique, but let's leave it by saying there's room for both sites.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1714917643

MoonlitDoor said

I just wanted to find models who were 'homely', fun, or 'alternative' to shoot with

Sidebar for our American friends: in the UK the word "homely" means e.g. friendly/sweet/warm/cheerful/unpretentious.

Not "ugly"! 

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

harbuzenger said, 1714940403

I signed up recently just to see if there was a different mix of new models joining. It made sense to me that “ModelFolio” might seem more of an obvious choice to someone searching “getting into modelling” or something of that nature by virtue of its name.

It’s fine.

UI and navigation is really clunky and feels a bit old hat but it does work.

I didn’t find what I was looking for anyway. And the site isn’t good enough to engage with when not really meeting my criteria.

I don’t find PP really satisfies this criteria either but the site itself is well organised and feature rich, which encourages engagement in other ways.

MoonlitDoor said, 1714954481

Unfocussed Mike said

MoonlitDoor said

I just wanted to find models who were 'homely', fun, or 'alternative' to shoot with

Sidebar for our American friends: in the UK the word "homely" means e.g. friendly/sweet/warm/cheerful/unpretentious.

Not "ugly"! 

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

Thanks, that's interesting. I'm familiar with a lot of American-English but this was new to me. You're right about what it means in English-English.

Sensual Art said

MoonlitDoor I've only skim-read what you've written, but there are some pretty firm rebuttals to at least some of the points that you make, such as point 1 (see and point 3 (PP limit you to 15 images).

I shall refrain from commenting any more specifically about some of your other points, as they'd stray into the realm of unsolicited critique, but let's leave it by saying there's room for both sites.

Well it was an unfortunate start to your response to say that you only 'skim-read' my comments (which is also a pretty contemptuous thing to say) as your comments on my Points 1 and 3 are actually in error. It's always a pleasure to engage in a sensible and interesting debate but it does depend on the respondents listening to what they are each actually saying and quoting it correctly.

The supposed rebuttal link you cited includes the same admission as I was trying to convey, that if you need quick comms, especially on the day of an arranged shoot, it's valuable to be able to exchange phone numbers [or texts]. This is the 21st century. Wellington might have won the Battle of Waterloo a lot sooner if he'd been able to give Blücher a ring in his hour of need. I also said I understood that the PP rule is a safeguard. I didn't dismiss it out of hand as you seem to think.

As for you saying that my point 3 claimed that PP limit us to 15 images, that's frankly rubbish. I never said that. I was referring to MF not PP and I said they limit you to 20 (not 15) images unless you subscribe. And I should know because MF keep telling me this.

Ironically, in your haste to rebut what I said, you missed the mistake I did make in my Point 1, which was to say that 'MF does not have PP's rule asking us not to 'take comms off site'. I checked later on that and I'm wrong. MF does in fact recommend that.

And BTW I wasn't arguing for one site rather than the other. I was just saying what I thought their strengths and weaknesses were from my point of view. I use both and will continue to do so.

No need to reply unless you want to apologise.

Happy debating


Sensual Art said, 1714955062

MoonlitDoor said

As for you saying that my point 3 claimed that PP limit us to 15 images, that's frankly rubbish. I never said that. I was referring to MF not PP and I said they limit you to 20 (not 15) images unless you subscribe. And I should know because MF keep telling me this.

You missed my point.

MF limit you to 20 images unless you subscribe.

I'm pointing out that PP limit you to 15 images unless you buy a VIP membership.

Jessica Knight said, 1715146397

Yes I use it. Simple case of not having all your eggs in one basket. As a model the more places I can get myself out there, the more chances of work, so simply marketing. What's it like? You can get some good deals, one off payment for lots of photos for example. It isn't as safe as here. So you need your pervometer on, many banned from here turn up there. The forums often slag this site of for being prudish. I often find the same people on both sites. So you end up having the same conversation until you realise it's the same person. It is getting slower most of its members seem to be migrating to Adultfolio. This is my main site and safest, but no harm in using both.

For what it's worth I also use adult folio with a free account. Those who know me know I don't even do topless. You need a thick skin,, need to not be easlly offended and prepared to see some unpleasant things. Pervometer switched on high, but I get three or four daily requests, mostly unsuitable. But a bigger hit rate than here and oddly more ordinary modelling work. Many of the guys on here are also on there with different names. We often meet there and come on here to then discuss the shoot.

JamesMt142 said, 1717323796

I'm not on Modelfolio but am on Adultfolio.

It's even quieter than this place, however.

Shannon Louise Harris🩷 said, 1717324094

I use Modelfolio, and get the odd job on there, but most of my work comes through Purpleport. I do find I get more dodgy messages and level pushers in messages on there than what I ever get on Purpleport. Hope that helps a bit for you x

JamesMt142 said, 1717327188

I've heard that from elsewhere.

AF is a bit too Reader's Wives at times; in my view there's a line that divides "sexy" and "slutty" and often the images that come up are the wrong side of that line.

Gray2 said, 1717331890

I use it and find it pretty good. Once you get used to it I prefer the layout to PP. I hate that PP's thumbnails are small squares. Quite why you can't see the full image on 'recent images' and FPI's I don't know. Surly it can't be that difficult. Their 'latest images' layout is so much better. The same for Adultfolio (although probaly not the site to look at over your morning cornflakes). I don't use the castings feature on any of the sites so can't comment on that.

art65 said, 1717333627

It is rubbish. I joined in case I was missing something. I soon found that I wasn't.

There are few good models who are not here on PP and actually it is closer in content to it's sister site adult folio. It is tacky and unappealing.

Purpleport does everything better.

JamesMt142 said, 1717334741

I prefer PP on what it does. If you had the userbase and activity of PP (even if that itself is slower than it was even coming out of Corona) with the UI of MF/AF you'd have a perfect product.

I do like the ID verification system, however; I know of at least one 18 year old model on here who's, er, not (she claims this to be "a mistake.")

But if I shoot with any young model I ask for ID myself anyway.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1717347408

JamesMt142 said

I do like the ID verification system, however; I know of at least one 18 year old model on here who's, er, not (she claims this to be "a mistake.")

Good job you've definitely reported her to admin then, right? It's potentially serious for purpleport regardless of the levels she works to.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

JamesMt142 said, 1717371443

I do think an Escrow account would be a good idea. I have been particularly unlucky with several models cancelling at the 11th hour (indeed one today cancelled with just two hours notice) and as a result I refuse to pay deposits as I simply don't trust models to show up.

If I could pay that into an Escrow, giving me protection against a late cancellation or no show, I'd be more inclined to pay deposits.