Banning AI art on PP said, 1663165343

-sp●●n- said

Give it a year or two and will be impossible to even detect which is AI and which is not.

I think that is precisely the problem - and I'm not sure it will even take that long. One of these pictures is completely fake. The woman does not even exist. Neither image is hosted here on PP - so I'm not breaking any rules (I hope). Feel free to download the images, study the EXIF and see if you can spot the fake.

Just for the record, the whole exercise took me less than fifteen minutes, and the software is all freely available, and free of charge. literally any idiot could do it!

ADWsPhotos said, 1663165361

Aardvark🎯VonEssfolk said

Model after (way too many IMVHO) photographers have finished the post-production side of things these days:

Does she do TF?

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1663165964

Wondrous said

This is odd considering some have got FPI's but I get it.

I have no issue though not being an AI user.

The word 'deceive' is questionable, considering AI models at least the ones I've seen are easy to spot.

What happens if an artist creates an artwork using computer tools that's non AI but someone thinks it's AI, do you get banned for being accused? It's a slippery slope.

By computer tools I mean tablets or other well know computer artmaking software which can be used with traditional skill.

Then you'll have the basic parts of the image, the layers etc. and won't mind showing those to admin when requested.

I don't recall mentioning banning people, but certainly if anyone is pretending to be something they are not then Admin will do as they always do; Remove them.

Photowallah said, 1663166012

Gets my support.

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1663166200 said

-sp●●n- said

Give it a year or two and will be impossible to even detect which is AI and which is not.

I think that is precisely the problem - and I'm not sure it will even take that long. One of these pictures is completely fake. The woman does not even exist. Neither image is hosted here on PP - so I'm not breaking any rules (I hope). Feel free to download the images, study the EXIF and see if you can spot the fake.

Just for the record, the whole exercise took me less than fifteen minutes, and the software is all freely available, and free of charge. literally any idiot could do it!

Those are a real problem. Now show another image from the set of each of the models.

I think the one on the left is fake.

Lenswonder said, 1663166281

Russ Freeman that clears it up, I certainly have slides of my works considering I can even video record the making. :)

Seeing this topic on the news lately did show the battle artists of today are going to face. It's already tough being an artist and now people would rather hire a computer program for the job.

Art may die a sad death. No young people are even going to be motivated to make skill based art with these programs.

JonC said, 1663166501

'Artist' describing concept to 'black box' which produces 'artwork' = unacceptable.

Artist = Damian Hurst (and others), Black Box = His assistants, artwork = spot paintings, diamond encrusted skulls et al = lauded artworks work millions.

(By the way I agree with the stance PP has taken, but art is not equal to the craft taken to produce the artwork).

Edited by JonC

Unfocussed Mike said, 1663166602

Wondrous said

Art may die a sad death. No young people are even going to be motivated to make skill based art with these programs.

I really hope that is untrue. I think young people can see the "what's the point in that?" factor pretty well. They reject things all the time that don't make them feel anything. 

I do think illustrative fantasy art is going to take a beating, because Midjourney and Stable Diffusion know it so well. 

But now would be an interesting time to be selling film and Instax materials, I reckon.

Unfocussed Mike said, 1663167044 said

-sp●●n- said

Give it a year or two and will be impossible to even detect which is AI and which is not.

I think that is precisely the problem - and I'm not sure it will even take that long.

It is the problem, but I also think there are ways to mitigate it (for models these might be polaroids, video clips, etc.)

It's going to take some imagination but it also needs the community to stick around while PP figure it out. If Recent Images and the FPIs and the competitions are flooded with unmarked Midjourney images to the point that nobody wants to wade through them to engage with real images of real people, that's fatal.

And that could happen really quickly, even without much open source knowledge. For example, Stable Diffusion will run really well on an M1 Mac and there's a trivial installer for it. I'm sure there's some Windows equivalent.

The rule change won't solve the problem but it will give the decisions some teeth and the risk of losing an account is a deterrent.

Edited by Unfocussed Mike

HorrifyMeUK said, 1663167842

Jerome Razoir said

The reduction in intellectual effort to manage the craft input may well concentrate the mind better to input the effort into the semiotic.

Craft skill has been eroded from the first time an artist used a tool to create.
A bunch of chewed grass to apply ochre to a cave wall put a tool between the artist and the work.

In the long run, we will learn how to differetiate between a good semiotic an a poor one.

Let’s face it, modern art has been making millions out of suckers by removing the crafts and skills that artists once had. Removing the effort to manage the craft hasn’t concentrated the mind to a better or more inspired semiotic - it’s given us garbage like the unmade bed, the jar of piss, tins of shit, used tampons nailed to bits of wood, a banana sellotaped to a wall, a pile of bricks, and other such bullshit art. AI art has absolutely nowhere good it can go. It’s just going to deepen an already wretched abyss in the art world.

KRow Designs said, 1663167945 my money is on the top one being fake, the one in front of the trees. Great example tho.

AndiM said, 1663168614

Unfocussed Mike said

There were things before this -- there's already a small handful of midjourney images among the FPIs from what I can see, and it's certainly been commented on before, but when it was one image or another it was almost impossible to discuss without breaking rules.

The service AndiM did by giving us a single image we could talk about without being sin-binned for naming/shaming/unsolicited critique was not inconsiderable.

Happy to have sparked the discussion! I'm sure the discussion and decision would have come around at some point, but it's certainly one that's good to have sooner rather than later for clear guidelines. 

I too think that the line will get blurrier and blurrier as time goes on, but personally don't have any issue with the decision of the PurplePort team. said, 1663169021 said

CalmNudes said said

In other news: King bans rising tide. :-)

Is that what people mean when they say I'm a Canute ? 

Only those with dyslexia. lol. Mind you, I'm frequently described as "something as a newt"... ;-)

As chance would have it, we're just down the road from the small but beautiful coastal village of Bosham, where the incident is said to have occurred. One of his daughters was buried in the churchyard. It is also said that contrary to popular legend, he was a wise ruler and competent administrator, and was showing his sycophantic courtiers he wasn't all powerful and could not command the tides.

A pet "misunderstanding history" peeve that one. said

-sp●●n- said

Give it a year or two and will be impossible to even detect which is AI and which is not.

I think that is precisely the problem - and I'm not sure it will even take that long. One of these pictures is completely fake. The woman does not even exist. Neither image is hosted here on PP - so I'm not breaking any rules (I hope). Feel free to download the images, study the EXIF and see if you can spot the fake.

Just for the record, the whole exercise took me less than fifteen minutes, and the software is all freely available, and free of charge. literally any idiot could do it!

Left is an obvious job to me? It's hard do describe in words, but there's a perfection to it that is entirely unnatural and flat. The right one is also a little suspect (I hope not, that model has an amazing look) but I don't think AI would intentionally blow out the red highlights like that? 

art65 said, 1663169230

Well done PP :)

sepiashots said, 1663169976

Article on BBC news

Edited by sepiashots