Photography show NEC this September


indemnity said, 1662974933

Gothic Image said

The Southampton Boat Show is slightly different as they are running until the 25th anyway. I stand by my thinking that closing on Monday is completely the wrong decision.

Maybe they are contractually obliged for another booking or preparation at the venue. It's unlikely to be their only commitment, likewise those attending and exhibiting.

Tommy139 said, 1662975471

Quiet clear to me that several contributors have very little idea of the overall logistics involved and the true costs of changing those at short notice, for both the organisers and the exhibitors, large and small. Closing for one day makes the most sense logistically and financially for the vast majority of exhibitors. The option of remaining open would no doubt see them incuur huge amounts of vitriol and postponing would mean huge additional costs to everybody, as we saw at the start of Covid.

Gothic Image said, 1662978953

Creativity Hub Events said

Will be interesting to see how today pans out after they’ve rang all exhibitors to get feedback (and watched their reg numbers). If there is a decline or exhibitors are reluctant, they’ll postpone and all contracts and money will be carried over to the new dates. It’s just happened with two other trade shows taking place on the same day and the organisers of those tend to lead the industry.

I wonder what they'll do if the exhibitor's feedback says "Don't close on Monday"?

Steve Spurgin said, 1662979532

Gothic Image said

Creativity Hub Events said

Will be interesting to see how today pans out after they’ve rang all exhibitors to get feedback (and watched their reg numbers). If there is a decline or exhibitors are reluctant, they’ll postpone and all contracts and money will be carried over to the new dates. It’s just happened with two other trade shows taking place on the same day and the organisers of those tend to lead the industry.

I wonder what they'll do if the exhibitor's feedback says "Don't close on Monday"?

I would have expected this to have happened last Friday at least with the major exhibitors, some of the smaller exhibitors who probably rely on the show for a lot more of there business were no doubt just told what this decision was.

Creativity Hub Events said, 1662979859

Steve Spurgin said

Gothic Image said

Creativity Hub Events said

Will be interesting to see how today pans out after they’ve rang all exhibitors to get feedback (and watched their reg numbers). If there is a decline or exhibitors are reluctant, they’ll postpone and all contracts and money will be carried over to the new dates. It’s just happened with two other trade shows taking place on the same day and the organisers of those tend to lead the industry.

I wonder what they'll do if the exhibitor's feedback says "Don't close on Monday"?

I would have expected this to have happened last Friday at least with the major exhibitors, some of the smaller exhibitors who probably rely on the show for a lot more of there business were no doubt just told what this decision was.

The decision was made late Friday afternoon so not really enough time to call round all of the exhibitors. It's the larger exhibitors with the bigger stands that will lead the charge.

It's unlikely they will U-Turn the Monday closure but there's a possibility that exhibitors will say they're not hanging around on the Monday to attend on the Tuesday, thus forcing the show to operate on a 50% schedule OR make a decision for a postponement.

Now we wait.

Tommy139 said, 1662980200

Over the many years of The Photography Show and its previous incarnation, Focos on Imaging, there have been occasions when the show was disrupted. There was the mini beast from the east that virtually closed it on a Sunday and a huge motorway accident that closed the M6 and gridlocked the M42 to the point that the hall was deserted until the afternoon. There have been other minor events that have disrupted it too. Those of us who have exhibited there regularly make contingency plans for that to happen. Shit happens as they say, so best to be ready for it.

Steve Spurgin said, 1662982418

Creativity Hub Events said

Steve Spurgin said

Gothic Image said

Creativity Hub Events said

Will be interesting to see how today pans out after they’ve rang all exhibitors to get feedback (and watched their reg numbers). If there is a decline or exhibitors are reluctant, they’ll postpone and all contracts and money will be carried over to the new dates. It’s just happened with two other trade shows taking place on the same day and the organisers of those tend to lead the industry.

I wonder what they'll do if the exhibitor's feedback says "Don't close on Monday"?

I would have expected this to have happened last Friday at least with the major exhibitors, some of the smaller exhibitors who probably rely on the show for a lot more of there business were no doubt just told what this decision was.

The decision was made late Friday afternoon so not really enough time to call round all of the exhibitors. It's the larger exhibitors with the bigger stands that will lead the charge.

It's unlikely they will U-Turn the Monday closure but there's a possibility that exhibitors will say they're not hanging around on the Monday to attend on the Tuesday, thus forcing the show to operate on a 50% schedule OR make a decision for a postponement.

Now we wait.

Late Friday gave them all day to contact the big players, Canon Nikon Sony Fuji, Pixapro maybe OM Digital and of course LCE , WEX and Cameraworld that gives them a good idea and they can contact others including those doing talks etc over the weekend if they didn't get time Friday. (List based on size of stand on the show guide).

sd photography54 said, 1662983531

Creativity Hub Events said

Tabitha Boydell said

Creativity Hub Events if they move the dates entirely, all those attendees and suppliers with non refundable hotel rooms though. I’d be totally annoyed

 It's financially beneficial for them to carry over than do half a show .   

Edited by Creativity Hub Events

Its not half a show though is it, I think those that were looking to go Monday will now go on the Tuesday making Tuesday a super busy day.

My 2p worth.

Gothic Image said, 1662985399

Steve Spurgin said

Gothic Image said

Creativity Hub Events said

Will be interesting to see how today pans out after they’ve rang all exhibitors to get feedback (and watched their reg numbers). If there is a decline or exhibitors are reluctant, they’ll postpone and all contracts and money will be carried over to the new dates. It’s just happened with two other trade shows taking place on the same day and the organisers of those tend to lead the industry.

I wonder what they'll do if the exhibitor's feedback says "Don't close on Monday"?

I would have expected this to have happened last Friday at least with the major exhibitors, some of the smaller exhibitors who probably rely on the show for a lot more of there business were no doubt just told what this decision was.

It's not so much the smaller exhibitors that will be most affected, it's those who mainly sell to trade buyers.  Monday is usually the biggest day for trade visitors, followed by Tuesday (usually known as "student day").

playwithlight said, 1663241723

All booked up and going on Sunday. NEC parking is ridiculously expensive but that's what you get when the vulture capitalists Blackstone own anything, American greed. 

Paul Archer Photography said, 1663251727

playwithlight said

All booked up and going on Sunday. NEC parking is ridiculously expensive but that's what you get when the vulture capitalists Blackstone own anything, American greed. 

Indeed, the parking cost more than the show!! Utter greed. 😡

Edited by Paul Archer Photography

sd photography54 said, 1663252043

Paul Archer Photography said

playwithlight said

All booked up and going on Sunday. NEC parking is ridiculously expensive but that's what you get when the vulture capitalists Blackstone own anything, American greed. 

Indeed, the parking cost more than the show!! Utter greed. 😡

Edited by Paul Archer Photography

On the other hand the caravan and motor home show is free parking.

When both show were on together I would park for the caravan show and walk round to the photography show.

I'ts cheaper for me to go on the train.

sd photography54 said, 1663252638

Gothic Image said

It's not so much the smaller exhibitors that will be most affected, it's those who mainly sell to trade buyers.  Monday is usually the biggest day for trade visitors, followed by Tuesday (usually known as "student day").

Every time I've been on the last day the so called students are retired and collecting their pension.🤣🤣

Gothic Image said, 1663256792

sd photography54 said

Gothic Image said

It's not so much the smaller exhibitors that will be most affected, it's those who mainly sell to trade buyers.  Monday is usually the biggest day for trade visitors, followed by Tuesday (usually known as "student day").

Every time I've been on the last day the so called students are retired and collecting their pension.🤣🤣

They're usually twenty-somethings from a college I've never heard of ...

Gothic Image said, 1663347784

Setup in full swing this afternoon ...