If someone gave you $20,000 tomorrow, what would you spend it on?


Muse said, 1646492192

Pay off debts, invest in my photography 

CalmNudes said, 1646492281

Timmee said

CalmNudes said

$20K is a awkward sum of money, £1-3K there are things that I want.  But there is very little in the £10-30K range. I'm not after a super-car but an a Tesla would be £60K+ Home improvements wouldn't get far on 20K. In reality it would probably go into my pension fund, but that's doing well enough as it is.  I've been known to give windfalls away, maybe I'd give it to a couple of charities. 

People may know the "Captain Vimes' Boots theory", that poor people stay poor because they can't invest in the things which save money, so someone who can stump the money for (say) one good set of boots pays double up front, but only pays once, but someone who can't pays many times over for lousy ones. Perhaps I might buy some £1-3K trinket for myself and look use the rest to do the equivalent of giving people good boots letting them save money put into something which saves more money. 

One of the strongest examples would be buying a low end washing machine from Bright House (or similar) with credit. A poor person going that route looses out BIG TIME.

Edited by Timmee


We couldn't go off at a complete tangent here (I just wanted to say that giving away a windfall might change the cause I support).
The Bright Houses of this world compound the problem.  In the boots example you don't need to have the price of good boots in your pocket, if you can buy them on affordable credit it still holds, but if - on credit - you can still only afford bad ones, the first set have probably cost more than the good set you never had access to.   

Everly Rose said, 1646492391

Pay all my bills for the year and my rent so I can live in the knowledge that I have a lovely home and my children are ok.

Buy a bigger car for tours and a new lens.

Felix Baird said, 1646492474

Solar panels.

rugglez said, 1646492947

I'd end world hunger.

Kirk Schwarz said, 1646493456

Well, I've always wondered if the porn you have to pay for is better than the free stuff, but have been too tight to find out...

Or an extension, depending on whether the wife found out. She'd probably get suspicious at the amount of toilet roll I was getting through tbf. Probably safest to save it for the house. 

Then again, I could afford a porn hub membership AND a divorce... god, this is a tough one! 

Edited by Kirk Schwarz

Spiderplant22 said, 1646493418

Kirk Schwarz said

Well, I've always wondered if the porn you have to pay for is better than the free stuff, but have been too tight to find out...

It really, really.


is not.

Kirk Schwarz said, 1646493536

Spiderplant22 said

Kirk Schwarz said

Well, I've always wondered if the porn you have to pay for is better than the free stuff, but have been too tight to find out...

It really, really.


is not.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll just go back go sketching my own! 

JDS said, 1646493658

use it to not have to worry about finances for a year or two (i can stretch it). 

When i had inheritance money from my grandpa, his declaration was to use it on furthering your own future. I had a trip of a lifetime to Australia, followed by ditching my full-time job to do an MA in photography and freelance for 4 years. It paid off!

Edited by JDS

FiL said, 1646494033

You could risk selling dollar notes to Russian banks for a significant premium - I hear they're in dire need. I'd insist on gold bars in exchange though rather than Rubles (otherwise known as shit tickets).

Margo Jost said, 1646494179

More IVF

FKP said, 1646497149

With the current lows in the market due to war, great time to invest and make some good returns.

LOB said, 1646497753

Need a newer car.. & maybe an electric mountain bike....

DaveEd said, 1646497758

A full time studio location, should pay the rent for a couple of years. My current space is hired on a daily basis, so not ideal.

art65 said, 1646497854

A nice windfall but not life changing. About £15,000. I think it would either go in to holidays or I would add it to the fund for moving house?