Using a film camera


Steve 1 said, 1601462504

Huw said

"I've seen" is the crucial bit here...

I've seen Salgado's exhibitions - recent prints on Canon digital, earlier work on Leica and Pentax 645 with Tri-X.
The digital work matches the earlier work perfectly. 

Which film?

Can you tell the difference between a print from Tri-X and HP5+ at a glance?
They are different.
Different rendering of colours.
Different C.I. curve.

T-Max 400 and FP4 very different again.

Edited by Huw

Ok Huw I know you know what you're on about and I respect that and I know you're way better than me at photography.

I have had a look at your port this morning and i'll make a exception in you're case some of the images are quite remarkable.

Huw said, 1601463036

Kizer said

Huw said

Ok Huw I know you know what you're on about and I respect that and I know you're way better than me at photography.

I have had a look at your port this morning and i'll make a exception in you're case some of the images are quite remarkable.

To be fair, I was very lucky as a student (40 years ago).
Medical photography department at my Vet school let me use their gear for two years, and taught me a hell of a lot of the technical stuff at their level.
Much more interesting than my lectures!

Then a couple of years working for US Government medical research with money no object equipment and skilled medical photographers.
It wasn't exceptional to produce 100 prints for publication in a morning.

Opportunities few people are lucky enough to get, and I soaked up the technical stuff like a sponge.

Content of the pictures though - same old naked chicks on rocks ;)

Huw said, 1601463333

Now you guys have got me looking at old film cameras on Ebay   :(


Stolenfaces said, 1601463402

Does anyone have any 'formula', plug-in or other means of emulating Agfa record rapid paper ?

Even if you do wet prints it's not available anymore, nor any obvious alternative

A R G E N T U M said, 1601464080

Gothic Image

And the food kept falling through the hole in the middle :)

I have a number of old film cameras, and I keep meaning to crank them back into action, but so far I've been too lazy. I do admire film shooters, but digital is convenient.

I recently met a guy who processed his film in a plastic bag full of the fixing chemical; I think he cooked his pasta in his kettle too. 

Gothic Image said, 1601464504

The trouble I had was getting the film scanned at a decent resolution.  I've recently taken to photographing my old negatives and slides with the 5DsR on a copy stand which gives very good results, so I may try shooting some film again in the future.

Huw said, 1601464718

Stolenfaces said

Does anyone have any 'formula', plug-in or other means of emulating Agfa record rapid paper ?

Even if you do wet prints it's not available anymore, nor any obvious alternative

I believe you can now get blacker blacks than darkroom prints with modern Epson Advanced BW inks.
Then you'd need to find a paper with the right surface that would carry that much ink.

It's somewhere on here:

I use Matte paper, so I didn't make a bookmark.

JonC said, 1601464743

I'm looking at stuff on eBay now! Definitely want to get a Pentax 6x7 which was by far my favourite camera when I was shooting film, and a Nikon F6, just so I can use all my current lenses. But, gulp, the cost - both the cameras, and the film......

Stolenfaces said, 1601464889

Huw said

Stolenfaces said

Does anyone have any 'formula', plug-in or other means of emulating Agfa record rapid paper ?

Even if you do wet prints it's not available anymore, nor any obvious alternative

I believe you can now get blacker blacks than darkroom prints with modern Epson Advanced BW inks.
Then you'd need to find a paper with the right surface that would carry that much ink.

It's somewhere on here:

I use Matte paper, so I didn't make a bookmark.

I actually want to be able to do the 'look' on digital photos (not necessarily printed), just as you emulate films 

Hardwick said, 1601465028

I've had people try and look through the more unusual film cameras, the Art Panorama I had in the early 2000s would attract a lot of attention.

I was a bit late moving to digital in around 2010 and never really took to it, so went back to film about five years ago for all of my personal work.  For most paid work I tend to shoot digital though because of the cost and convenience.  I use a range of film cameras from 35mm to 5x4, mostly shoot Bergger Pancro 400 and develop in Rodinal, digital comes back into the process when making digital negatives for prints using the alternative processes.  

Huw said, 1601465127

Stolenfaces said

Huw said

Stolenfaces said

Does anyone have any 'formula', plug-in or other means of emulating Agfa record rapid paper ?

Even if you do wet prints it's not available anymore, nor any obvious alternative

I believe you can now get blacker blacks than darkroom prints with modern Epson Advanced BW inks.
Then you'd need to find a paper with the right surface that would carry that much ink.

It's somewhere on here:

I use Matte paper, so I didn't make a bookmark.

I actually want to be able to do the 'look' on digital photos (not necessarily printed), just as you emulate films 

You might get it here...

30 day free trial.

Stolenfaces said, 1601465301

JonC said

I'm looking at stuff on eBay now! Definitely want to get a Pentax 6x7 which was by far my favourite camera when I was shooting film, and a Nikon F6, just so I can use all my current lenses. But, gulp, the cost - both the cameras, and the film......

F6 are much rarer than F5 (due to huge difference in production I understand) and therefore more expensive. I got a F5 for £250 2 years ago.

I'm enjoying a Mamiya RZ as I never got beyond a 645 back in the day.  The revolving back makes using a tripod so relatively flexible :-)

Stolenfaces said, 1601465689

Huw said

Stolenfaces said

Huw said

Stolenfaces said

Does anyone have any 'formula', plug-in or other means of emulating Agfa record rapid paper ?

Even if you do wet prints it's not available anymore, nor any obvious alternative

I believe you can now get blacker blacks than darkroom prints with modern Epson Advanced BW inks.
Then you'd need to find a paper with the right surface that would carry that much ink.

It's somewhere on here:

I use Matte paper, so I didn't make a bookmark.

I actually want to be able to do the 'look' on digital photos (not necessarily printed), just as you emulate films 

You might get it here...

30 day free trial.

Not really as a preset. If I knew what I was doing I could doubtless use exposure (or maybe ON1) to get the look, but I'm surprised no one has produced a preset or whatever for such an iconic look.

I suppose I could write to them and ask if their boffins could add it to their presets :-) 

Edited by Stolenfaces

Gothic Image said, 1601466488

JonC said

I'm looking at stuff on eBay now! Definitely want to get a Pentax 6x7 which was by far my favourite camera when I was shooting film, and a Nikon F6, just so I can use all my current lenses. But, gulp, the cost - both the cameras, and the film......

When I bought my Phase One P30 digital back several years ago, Hasselblad V series bodies and lenses were dirt cheap on eBay. I think I bought my 553ELX and several CT* lenses for under £1000 total.  The prices seem to have gone up a lot since.

DMG Photography said, 1601477586

Stolenfaces said

F6 are much rarer than F5 (due to huge difference in production I understand) and therefore more expensive. I got a F5 for £250 2 years ago.

The F6 is still in production, it's the only film camera that Nikon manufactures now.

Edited by DMG Photography