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That extra mile



By Walter, 1571823465

So yesterdayI posted up a little chat and some replies mentioned my isolated geographic location being a possible issue.

So I was wondering just how far would you as a model or a photographer be willing to travel to get the right shot or model to work with ?

Edited by Walter

Jeff Horne said, 1571823581

So far my furthest is 100 miles, leaving home at 3:30am for a sunrise beach shoot at Botany Bay.

Can't always be magic. It was cloudy when we got there!

Buddygb said, 1571823631

I’ve driven a little over four hours in each direction in the past. That’s about my limit.


Walter said, 1571823952

4hrs would get me to roughly to Edinburgh . 

Claret said, 1571824087

Just last Saturday saw me gladly getting up at 4am to catch a 2.5h train to London for a shoot, returning the same day - I’d say London is the furthest I have travelled so far. :)

Heckklr said, 1571824123

100 miles would be about my limit for the right model

Emma Jayne said, 1571824171

I would go pretty far I think, but that depends on whether I can sort somewhere to sleep overnight. I've travelled over 100 miles for shoots and I'm sure I would probably go further for the right opportunity. :)

Alan Ewart said, 1571824295

I don’t put a limit on my traveling if it’s what I need to do.

a couple of years ago I went to the South of France to shoot with some great models.  Earlier this year I went from Dorset to Falkirk via York to work with Jezebelle and Candy Heart.

 I spent a week shooting in N. Ireland for a recent project.  I had to travel all over the country for that project.

That said, if I am just doing a fun shoot with someone from PP I am much more likely to ask the model to travel to me.  I am very happy to cover travel expenses, offer accommodation etc to make life easier for everyone involved.

Edited by Alan Ewart

DISPARU said, 1571825196

I don't think distance is that much of an issue within the UK - afterall you can jump on a plane in the south of Engalnd and get to Scotland or Ireland both quickly and cheaply. I'd tie it in with a short break - perhaps a long weekend or even a week away. If you're willing to to do that, then tons of European models also fall into scope, so you'll have to choose between Scotland, Ireland, Prague, Paris, Berlin, Brussels etc etc!

Sometimes I Take Pictures said, 1571825757

Longest was 450 miles to Scotland so far. Will be looking at overseas next year.

David and Camera said, 1571825791

I love a 2 or 3 hour road trip well stocked with pringles, jaffa cakes, coffee and music. It's all part of the fun ��

Peaches Du Jour said, 1571825973

I’d travel anywhere really for the right job. If it’s worth while. I would also try and make a trip out of it too and visit some places and maybe stay a bit longer near the shoot.

vanBrighouse said, 1571826094

I like traveling so it is time and money that hold me back. If I have the time I usually don't have the money and vice versa but in theory I have no limit. Just travelled over 300 miles for a shoot and will travel 250 today. I see travel as part of the adventure.

Mondo (Ray) said, 1571826563


It can take 4-5 hours to get from one bit of Scotland to another. Getting to Scotland isn’t the issue. Traveling within it is a different matter.

DISPARU said, 1571827012

Mondo said


It can take 4-5 hours to get from one bit of Scotland to another. Getting to Scotland isn’t the issue. Traveling within it is a different matter.

Compared to parts of the USA (say), 4-5 hours is nothing.

LifeModel said, 1571827116

Recently did a trip from Bedfordshire to work with Rob Segate in Swansea, via Monmouth to collect Skycladpixie, and then on to OOAK/ Lanes Photography an hour or two north of there, then back all home all in two days. TFP - worth it to work with great people like these.