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CCTV rules.


Jerome Razoir

By Jerome Razoir, 1559582277

It is, quite rightly, a criminal offence to 'install equipment for the purpose of voyeurism'.

Now, there is a very proper principle that you must not install CCTV in an area where a person may have a reasonable expectation of privacy. So bedrooms, bathrooms, lavatories, changing rooms, would be covered by this.

However, if CCTV is 'installed for the purpose of crime detection'it would be lawful. Though probably not in one of the rooms I listed.

I am aware of police surveillance cameras having been installed in a changing room to catch a paedophile. Who was caught.

IF one were to install CCTV in a studio and have a notice saying "CCTV is installed but NOT monitored. All recordings are saved to a secure HDD and will not be viewed unless there is a criminal allegation, when the HDD will be handed to the police for examination."

a) would there be any offence?
b) How would photographers and models feel about using that studio?

After-all, it protects both model and photographer. If the photographer touches up the model and she has no evidence, she can ask the studio to make the HDD available to the police. Vice versa also applies.

Obviously there has to be a lot of trust here.

YorVikIng said, 1559582410

What you suggest seems at first glance sensible, but the problem with the law is that it doesn't always follow what appear to be common sense.

If I was the studio owner, I would check with the ICO before doing anything that could potentially land me in a big heap of unbearable pain.

BLA@K said, 1559582579

Personally i wouldn't mind at all if i was notified but definitely not in any model only area such as changing areas or make up room but any communal area would be fine so long as a legible and prominent sign was on display

Heckklr said, 1559582637

if I walked into a studio and saw CCTV that was pointing towards the changing area/loo/backdrop area I would immediately be suspicious. 

Huw said, 1559583021

If I read:

 "CCTV is installed but NOT monitored. All recordings are saved to a secure HDD and will not be viewed unless there is a criminal allegation, when the HDD will be handed to the police for examination."

....  I'd think "yeah, right, bullshit".

Even if the owner was well meaning and thought it was secure. 

Natural Light Spaces said, 1559583057

We have 2 cameras that cover the door to each studio, they are monitored to allow us to see who is going in and out of the studios. As we are a fully manned studio there is no need to have camera’s in the shoot areas and certainly would never entertain the idea of them in any area where there was an expectation of privacy:

Holly Alexander said, 1559583105

Just don't have it in the bathrooms or changing room....

You can have it in the main studio, and office if you have one, with a notice of course.

I dunno why people think CCTV of a photoshoot would be any use to a perv, it would be grainy as hell. It's for use if an offence has taken place that is the only time anyone would look at it, and rightly so.

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1559583865

What about models who don't do full-frontal nudity? The CCTV might see everything and put them on edge.

Edited by K.M.

Arnold J. Rimmer B.S.C. S.S.C. said, 1559583818

What's to stop the people involved from requesting a copy of the CCTV footage? They have that right whether there was a crime or not.

ShoB said, 1559583847

K.M. said

What about models who don't do full-frontal nudity? The CCTV might see everything and out them on edge.

This is a valid point.

CalmNudes said, 1559583986

Jerome Razoir said

IF one were to install CCTV in a studio and have a notice saying "CCTV is installed but NOT monitored. All recordings are saved to a secure HDD and will not be viewed unless there is a criminal allegation, when the HDD will be handed to the police for examination."

Who would believe it ? Those inclined to be trustful of the studio owner(s) would, those not inclined would not. 
It's a trade-off of risk, that those pictures get accessed (the HD gets pinched, the studio turns out to be a pervert) vs a bad experience with a photographer / false accusations from a model and a lack of evidence. 

DivinelyDee said, 1559586150

I personally dont think I'd like it.

Would put me totally on edge and have me wondering what has gone on in the past to warrant it..

Possibly CCTV in entrance area with a sign to warrant who goes in and out?

It also throws into question the use of chaperones..for those photographers who dont like them it's a similar principle? Yes no?

Synergy Photoworks said, 1559586314

Jerome Razoir

a) to be safe, I’d seek advice from the ICO

Holly Alexander said, 1559587278

K.M. gonna be blurry as fuck you won't see much

Holly Alexander said, 1559587376

I would rather be somewhere who takes safety seriously and has cctv in main places. Everywhere you go has the same.

LifeModel said, 1559587623

I wouldn't be happy with that, and I'm not sure what you would be expecting to catch on it anyway?

Are you going to get everyone who comes in to sign a consent form?

Have you considered that - just like dashcam footage - the evidence can just as easily be used against you?

Obviously there has to be a lot of trust here. It's just one more thing which can be abused.