Male Models Wanted! Please share your top images of guys for my PurplePort Blog post!


Valeimagesold said, 1573063568

Valeimagesold said, 1573063594

Valeimagesold said, 1573063616

Paul Gooddy said, 1573065821

Heres a few from my port

Dragonlady said, 1573066067

Dragonlady said, 1573066123

Dragonlady said, 1573066368

Vassili said, 1573066887

Not my best but one of a few male ones I have said, 1573067125

Dan is photographer not model - but he is modelling sometimes on test shoots :) said, 1573067290

Jevon is full time model - more photos of him in album

Edited by

Darkpurity's Retouch said, 1573067285 said, 1573067322


Uriel Lawless said, 1573067345

Just a humble shot of me where I've gone OTT in Photoshop hah!

Darkpurity's Retouch said, 1573067787

May I please also present some duo images of a lovely guy Platypus



My absolute favourites!

DannyBoy1 said, 1573068054