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Thumbnail is a totally different colour than the full image



By Spartacusimages, 1693572714

Please do let me know if it's me, but I never noticed it before, usually my colours are not so bright 

do you see the difference ?

Edited by Spartacusimages

INFINITY Model said, 1693573096

Yes, quite a noticeable difference. No idea what could be causing it but I had a similar issue with images that a photographer shared with me, when I tried to upload to Purpleport the hue changed to a yellow tone (original mage had a lot of white).

Spartacusimages said, 1693573305

Infinity Valerie said

Yes, quite a noticeable difference. No idea what could be causing it but I had a similar issue with images that a photographer shared with me, when I tried to upload to Purpleport the hue changed to a yellow tone (original mage had a lot of white).

Thats it, the colours in the Thumbnail are muted , I looked at loads of other thumbnails and its the same , something is going on ??

Laura SJ FD (staff) said, 1693574697

Hello Spartacusimages :)

It sounds like something other than sRGB colour space has been used in the image. Anything else may or may not look great, depending on the viewer's web browser (which is mentioned in our Image Upload Guidelines). 

Spartacusimages said, 1693581075

Laura SJ FD said

Hello Spartacusimages :)

It sounds like something other than sRGB colour space has been used in the image. Anything else may or may not look great, depending on the viewer's web browser (which is mentioned in our Image Upload Guidelines). 

Thank you Laura Ill double check that 

Huw said, 1693581632

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Chris Ennis said, 1693583092

For me when I save the red dress image and view it in XNView it comes up dull. XNView says the colourspace is uncalibrated.

When I save the next photo in your portfolio (young lady, bikini, beach) and view it, it comes up bright. XNView tells me it's tagged as sRGB.

For simplicity, I use an sRGB workflow throughout to prevent such issues.

Ringo said, 1693583141

Huw said

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

indemnity said, 1693583485

Pre resize and upload another, compare and see.

Huw said, 1693583714

Ringo said

Huw said

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

I’m not entirely sure of the technical side, but if I upload a 1080 px wide image from Canon DPP (i.e. exactly as set “in camera”), the colours change subtly. If I upload it straight from Canon DPP, but sized to 900 px wide, they don’t. 

I make a fair effort to get colour temperature and other variables right before shooting so that I can give the model a set of small JPG files (1600x2400) straight from the camera SD card. It’s slightly disappointing that PP changes the colours.

I don’t get this problem using PP and “export for web”

Gothic Image said, 1693583760

It will probably be a colour space issue, as discussed previously: https://purpleport.com/group/general-chat/190996/Can-anyone-explain-to-me-why-this-is-happening-/

CalmNudes said, 1693583841

Spartacusimages said

Laura SJ FD said

Hello Spartacusimages :)

It sounds like something other than sRGB colour space has been used in the image. Anything else may or may not look great, depending on the viewer's web browser (which is mentioned in our Image Upload Guidelines). 

Thank you Laura Ill double check that 

You've saved it with ProPhoto RGB as to the colour space. It also  In a modern colour managed browser it will look fine normally - in older non-colour managed ones it will look the thumbnail. The thumbnail ignores colour spaces - and without a colour space it's treated as sRGB. The file It also has various bits of info about the camera, software,  your name and website and all the other exif bits in it.  

Gothic Image said, 1693583862

Ringo said

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

If it was in sRGB with embedded colour info, yes.

Russ Freeman (staff) said, 1693585574

Ringo said

Huw said

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

Probably not. It depends on the device/browser used by the viewer since it is not using the sRGB colourspace, and many devices and browsers will not correctly interpret the colourspace used.

It doesn't matter what website you upload your photos to. It's good practice always to use sRGB since it puts control in your hands.

FiL said, 1693592028

Ringo said

Huw said

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

On PP. For thumbnails, the size of the originally uploaded image file is irrelevant. Whether or not the originally uploaded image file contains an embedded or tagged colour space profile is also irrelevant. The system which produces PP's thumbnails is not colour space aware and blithely assumes that all uploaded image files were created using the sRGB colour space profile, even if they weren't, and whether tagged/embedded with a different colour space profile or not.

The only thing you can do about it is ensure that the originally uploaded image was created using the sRGB colour space profile. Thumbnails will then render correctly, whether or not the originally uploaded image file contains an embedded/tagged sRGB colour space profile.

Most other photo-centric sites do not exhibit this problem simply because the systems they use to produce thumbnails are colour space aware.

CalmNudes said, 1693652766

Ringo said

Huw said

If you upload a large image (more than 900px wide), PP downsizes it, and can lose some of the embedded colour space information, therefore changing the colours.

Are you suggesting that if the image was uploaded as 900px in the first place, the resultant thumb would have been fine?

Other way round.  If you upload a > 900px image with anything other than sRGB colour space, it will be screwed. 

> 900Px.   PP throws away the colour profile  (and I think all the metadata) and resizes to 900x  Fine for sRGB, ruins everything else. 
>= 900Px  PP leaves the image alone, colour profile preserved, only a problem for people using very old or obscure browsers which don't colour manage images. This means some exif data that you might not want to be visible is left in the file and cleaning it out is down to you.
Any size. PP also makes a 100x100 thumbnail, throwing away all metadata including the profile, so again sRGB is fine.

The rule of "always us sRGB" for the web is getting less cast-iron because today most people have colour-space aware browsers. But it still holds if what you upload to processes your image in any way.