Header photo: Image by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

gm7.photography is a hobbyist photographer based in Suffolk, United Kingdom, with more than 6 years of experience.  

After sharing his shoot (featuring model Amber Farndon) with the PurplePort community, Grant (from gm7.photography) generously gave us his time for a quick interview, where he shared how these fabulous images were created, the inspirations behind the shoot, how it was planned, the camera gear he used, and much more.

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How did you come up with the concept? Did anything inspire you?

The original concept for a Marie Antoinette-themed shoot came up while Amber and I were shooting in Paris last year.

We did a wide variety of styles inspired by the city and shot both a themed video and review I had wanted to do for a long time, comparing what differences a high-end camera (in this case, the Canon R5) made to how one can approach and execute a travel location-based shoot and the challenges that can entail.

Image (in Paris) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

We work very collaboratively in terms of concepts and ideas. We were originally thinking visually about the 2006 Sophia Coppola film with Kirsten Dunst, but in the course of building mood boards and ideas, a more recent television show, The Great with Elle Fanning, provided a lot of stylistic cues and set inspirations, thanks in no small part to the fantastic costume design work by Sharon Long.

What did you do to plan the shoot?

As always, the three main things to consider with any good shoot are location, costuming, props and timing.

As we were both very eager to work together again after our Parisian adventure had gone so well, we aimed for the start of February. This was both to be as feasible as possible from a logistics point of view in terms of getting access to venues off-season and to have some content ready to post to our respective socials and portfolios in time for Valentine’s Day.

The first item on the checklist was to consider what locations we would use. In a perfect world, we would have headed down to the Loire Valley or Versailles and hired ourselves a Chateau. Meanwhile, in the economic reality world, I remembered that I had visited an amazing French-themed museum during the summer, Bowes Museum in Castle Barnard, that could, at the very least, make a good exterior. Reaching out to them, they were amazingly more than happy to arrange an out-of-hours visit for interiors as well.

Image (Amber Farndon at Bowes Museum) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

Image (Amber Farndon at Bowes Museum) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

Next, as we planned on doing something with more of a saucy baroque vibe for the video (having settled on Queen’s Killer Queen as a backing track), we needed something fantastic to serve as a backdrop, with a similar look and feel for continuity. 

Luckily, we were able to find a wedding venue only an hour away with the perfect ambience.

To complete the look, we only needed a selection of extra props and some incredible outfits.

Image (Amber Farndon at the Chateau themed hotel) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

Image (Amber Farndon and fan) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

How did you arrange the shoot?

Since our first shoot, myself and Amber have been in regular contact, bouncing around ideas, coming up with concepts and planning new shoots.

As usual, the arrangement was lots of messages, Pinterest boards, watching films and shows and making spreadsheets, booking accommodations, negotiating access with venues and plenty of fine-tuning of our ideas.

What was it like shooting at that location?

The museum itself was truly amazing. The venue and staff couldn’t have been more accommodating and, as we’d arranged to arrive before the general public was allowed in, we had free reign of the site to explore and find some great shots.

Again, our secondary venue was perfect. We travelled over the Yorkshire moors (stopping on the way to procure all-important cakes and extra props) to a tiny village with a fantastic hotel, which is a themed wedding destination.

Being in that kind of setting, I find, really helps both the photographer and model not only visualise shots but also fully immerse themselves in the concept.

Image (Amber Farndon and copper bathtub)by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

Tell us about the gear you used.

Unfortunately, this time around, I wasn’t able to organise the hire of the Canon R5 again, so stills duties were down to my trusty Canon 250D, a selection of Godox Strobes (a new model that uses an LED modelling light, making it not only lighter to carry but less likely to be damaged while in transit and being carried up tight, winding staircases in chateau-themed hotels), a range of modifiers, and LED filming lights.

This time, most of the filming was done on Amber’s iPhone 15 Pro Max, as the 4K HDR gives not only a strong, clean image but also many options in post-grading. 

What's your favourite image from the shoot?

I think it has to be this image below, which was pretty much “the” idea we originally envisioned.

Of course, Marie Antoinette actually said (or rather didn’t say, that’s a bit of revolutionary propoganda) “brioche” but that wouldn’t photograph quite as well!

It’s conceptually great, tells the whole narrative in one shot and, dare I say, is a little bit “Ooh La La” but, if I may dare say so, in a classy way.

Image (Amber Farndon and cake) by photographer gm7.photography with model Amber Farndon

Thank you, gm7.photography, for sharing your creativity, experience and images with us. We loved learning all about your photoshoot with model Amber Farndon!

We hope you all loved it, too. Don't forget to check out the links below to see more of gm7.photography's work!

Here's where you can find more of gm7.photography's work

PurplePort: gm7.photography 

prpl.pro: prpl.pro/gm7photography 

Instagram: gm7.photography 

YouTube: gm7.photography 

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