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The PurplePort Guide to Image Albums

By Russ Freeman, written 1385586068

Image albums are a tool you can use to organise your portfolio and show off more of your work without using up space on your portfolio page. 

Your portfolio is a collection of the very best images you have, but it's nice to show variety. Image albums allow you the best of both worlds; your beautiful images in a concentrated portfolio and other work displayed in albums.

Using albums is entirely optional, and you can have as many albums as you like (or none).

Albums can contain as many images as you like.  Images can be in more than one album (or none), hidden from your portfolio and included in albums. 

Creating a new album

You can create a new album from your portfolio page by either: 

  • Go to the grey cog (top right) and click Create a new album
  • Scroll down to the Image Management panel (bottom right) section and click Create a new album

You can also create an album when you upload a new image to add that image (or images) directly into that album:

  • Go to the (+) menu (top right, next to the purple cog) and click Images
  • Click Create a new album next to Put these images into the selected album 
  • Enter a title (required) and a description (optional) for your album and select the privacy (see below), and then complete the upload process as normal

Note: Images uploaded directly to your album will also be hidden from your portfolio

Enter a title (required) and a description (optional) for your album.

Then, set the privacy option for your album as either:

  • Visible to everyone:  Your album is visible to PurplePort members and non-members (selected by default)
  • Visible to members only: Your album is only visible to PurplePort members, and any images added to this album will also not be visible to non-members
  • Hidden until shared with someone: This is known as a private album. It allows you to upload images that you don’t wish to have on your everyday portfolio but do wish to share with others on PurplePort. This album and its images are invisible on PurplePort until you share the album with someone (and then only they can see it).

Note: Images added to private albums (albums that are Hidden until shared with someone) will lose their FPI status and are also removed from any collections they are in. If you add an FPI to a private album, it will lose its FPI status permanently (we cannot reinstate FPI status once it's gone). 

Finally, click Create album, and you can now add images to your album. If you don't want to add images to your album yet (you may want to do this later on), you can leave your album empty. Whilst you can see your empty albums (those without images) when you view your portfolio page, no one else can see them. 

Adding images to albums

There are several ways to add images to albums.

Add existing images you've uploaded to PurplePort to your album by either:

  • View the album, go to the grey cog (top right) and click Add images to this album. Here, you can either Move images (adds them to the current album and hides them from your portfolio) or Add images ( puts them in the album, but won't hide them from your portfolio)   
  • View the image, go to the grey cog (top right) and click Edit image albums 

Upload images directly into your album by either:

  • View the album, go to the grey cog (top right) and click Upload to this album
  • Upload a new image. Go to the (+) menu (top right, next to the purple cog) and click Images. Upload a new image as normal, and next to Put these images into the selected album select an album to upload images directly into. Adding an image to an album here will also hide the image from your portfolio.

Removing images from albums

You can remove images from albums by either:

  • View the image, go to the grey cog (top right) and click Edit image albums and untick the albums you want to remove the image from and click Save.
  • View the album, hover your mouse over the image (or tap the image) and click Remove from album.

If an image is hidden from your portfolio and you remove it from an album, it will still be hidden from your portfolio. 

Note: Do not delete an image to try to remove it from an album (this will delete your image from PurplePort completely). 

Sharing a private album

You can share a private album (an album that is Hidden until shared with someone) with one or more PurplePort members (either forever or for a specific amount of time by adding an expiry date for the share):

  • View your private album
  • Go to the purple cog (top right) and click Shares
  • Enter the member's name (required) and expiry date for the share (optional)
  • Click Create shares

If you want to stop sharing your private album with someone, click Shares and under the heading Shared with, find their share and click delete

Arranging albums and images within them

Arranging your albums is straightforward and similar to arranging images on your portfolio. Simply view your portfolio and drag and drop your albums into the order you would like. 

Similarly, to arrange the images in an album, view the album and drag and drop them into the order you would like them.

Best practices

Now that you can have albums, your portfolio images should be reduced to the very best examples of your work. If you are a model, it might be wise to show a variety of your work and styles you shoot. For photographers, it might be good to show images that you currently want to shoot.

You should also aim for a full row of images. To see your portfolio as someone else, either log out of your account or choose the View as someone else option from the grey cog when viewing your own portfolio. It's not perfect, but it's pretty close :-)

Now is also a good time to review your portfolio notes. Are you using the rich formatting options PurplePort provides? Do your portfolio notes rant on, or are they concise and simple to read? Keep it short and sweet!


How do I change the cover image for the album?

View the album, hover your mouse over the image (or tap the image) and click Use as album cover.

Can member-only images be used as the album cover image?

No, they can't.

What happens if I remove an image from an album?

It's removed from the album. If it's hidden from your portfolio, then it remains hidden.

If I delete an album, what happens to the images that were in the album?

While the album is removed, the images that were in it won't get deleted. Any images that were only in the album will remain hidden from your portfolio

Can images be in multiple albums?


I added an image to a private album, but now the image won't show in my portfolio. Why?

Images in private albums cannot be viewed anywhere except within that private album. If you wish to have an image in your portfolio, then you will need to either make the album visible or remove the image from the private album. Note that images added to private albums lose their FPI status and are removed from any collections they are in.

If I share an album with someone, can anyone else see it?

No, it's shared with that person only.

I'm stuck and need help. What can I do? 

We're here to help. You can contact us anytime by creating a support ticket from our Help & Support page.

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