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What is a reply rate, and how does it work?

By Russ Freeman, written 1382091384

A reply rate determines how often PurplePort members reply to new messages they receive. You can use it to see whether it’s worth messaging someone.

Only PurplePort VIP members can see reply rates. A member’s reply rate is shown in the Additional information section of their portfolio page (and at the top of a new message you send them). You can tap the reply rate on their portfolio page (or move the mouse cursor over it) to see the exact response rate (e.g. 100%, 78.3%, etc.).

All PurplePort VIP members can see the reply rate of free members, but free members cannot see anyone else’s reply rates (nor can free members hide their own reply rate from their portfolio page). 

How is my reply rate calculated?

PurplePort's reply rate is only affected by initial messages you receive between 12 months and seven days ago.

Some messages do not affect your reply rate, including:

  • Messages older than 12 months
  • Messages received in the last seven days
  • A new message you have sent someone else
  • A message you have already replied to
  • Messages from inactive (deactivated or banned) accounts

Your reply rate will show as Always replies if you reply to all initial messages you receive between 12 months and seven days ago.

If you do not reply to all of these messages, your reply rate will be negatively affected (showing as anything from Mostly replies to Has never replied, depending on how much those messages affect your reply rate).

How can I improve my reply rate?

If you reply to all of the initial (new) messages you receive between 12 months and seven days ago, they will no longer negatively affect your reply rate.

After you have replied, your reply rate will be 100%.

Click here to see which messages you need to reply to that negatively affect your reply rate.

You only need to reply to each message once. You could reply with a simple “Thank you” (or something similar) or just a word, letter, full stop, or character.


Do I always have to reply to every message I receive?

Your reply rate is only negatively affected by initial messages you have not responded to. So, when you reply to an initial message, it will no longer negatively affect your reply rate.

Do applications to my casting calls count against me if I don't reply?

They do because they are initial messages. If you don't reply to these messages, they will negatively affect your reply rate (even a simple reply saying "Sorry, not this time" is enough).

If you need to reply to multiple (or all) applicants to one of your casting calls:

  • View your casting call
  • Go to the grey cog and select View replies
  • Select the applicants you want to reply to and click Reply to applicants

Do the messages I send to others count towards my reply rate?

If you send a message to someone, it does not impact your reply rate.

Do messages from inactive members count towards my reply rate?

Messages from inactive accounts (deactivated or banned members) do not count.

Do messages from people I have blocked towards my reply rate?

Messages from people you have blocked do not count.

If I delete a message, will it still count towards my reply rate?

Even if you delete an initial message you have received, it will still negatively affect your reply rate.

Can I improve my reply rate?

Yes! All you need to do is reply to all initial messages you receive.

Click here to see which messages you need to reply to that negatively affect your reply rate and then reply to them.

Can I hide my reply rate from my portfolio page?

If you are a PurplePort VIP member, you can hide your reply rate from your portfolio page (but it will still be displayed on a new message to other PurplePort VIP members when they try to message you).

To hide your reply rate from your portfolio page:

I'm stuck and need help. What can I do? 

We're here to help. You can contact us anytime by creating a support ticket from our Help & Support page.

See Also