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References for Zara Watson

Zara Watson has 588 references; 588 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Artemis Fauna

I spent a total of 20 hours in a space of five days working with Zara last week...I just about survived ;)

Joking aside Zara is amazeballs ;) Fun, sexy and a super duper model! I was really looking forward to working with Zara again after quite a few years and we had a blast. Many, many cool images and lots of laughing!!

I am certain Zara and I will be working together again very soon and I can't wait! Thank you Miss Watson!! :)

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John Jobling

Where do I start?

My first shoot with this, rightly, acclaimed top class model. I have always admired her work by others and couldnt wait to work with her.

Pre comms through PP were excellent (although she is all over Social Media!).

The shoot was at her out of this world home. This is a converted Methodist Chapel, is on 3 floors and is decorated and furnished to a very high standard.

Zara herself was lovely to work with and a great down to earth personality. Her PP profile is as accurate as you can get to the real model in my view.

Modelling wise Zara has it all, hair and make up upon arrival were 100% spot on (and changes through the shoot were done expertly and quickly.

What this lady doesn't know about modelling isn't worth knowing. Brilliant poses at all times. Offers suggestions which are reasonable, not pushy and I found really helpful. She happily took my shoot ideas on board and took my directions as well.

You only have to look at her portfolio images - which can say a lot more than any words here.

New and inexperienced photographers may be put off by her reputation. All I will say is take the plunge and work with this lady - she will help you so much to get top class images. Well worth her reasonable rates.

I really hope to work with Zara again.

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Karl Shaw

Lovely girl and lovely model - had a blast shooting Zara in her own home - fun and very informal but at the same time, very professional. Took on board any mad ideas and came up with quite a few of her own ;) - got some amazing images from the day and can’t wait to do it again. Very highly recommended.

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GeeBee Photography

Had a wonderful shoot today with the gorgeous Zara at her home.

What can I say that hasn't been said already?

She is stunningly beautiful, poses effortlessly, without direction and yet instantly understands what it required when asked.

Zara also understands the light and is visually aware of her work space, so can spot and move things that may detract or add to the shot.

She is an absolute joy to be around and to work with, the time flew by and we got through lots of ideas and different settings.

Her home is a great living studio, beautifully finished with fantastic features and lots of 'character' ;)

I can't recommend her highly enough, I loved every minute of our shoot and would love to work with her again. :)

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Chris Hope

I have shot with Zara a few times now one to one and several times as part of a group and each time she excels. Great posing and attitude and she can pose independently or take direction.

With her doing her own makeup and hair and having a huge selection of clothing to choose from highly recommended.

I will be shooting with her again.

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Drew Paul

Work with Zara the other today and wow , everything was perfect what a awesome model , we had good coms before the shoot .Zara brought so much energy and the poses were all awesome . We shot from fashion to fashion nude , highly recommend every to shoot with Zara

Thanks again Zara

Looks forward to working together again

Peace Drew

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I had my second fabulous shoot with Zara a few weeks ago, and have been very lax in not writing a reference sooner.

Zara’s reputations proceed her – superbly talented model, bags of energy and enthusiasm, mad as a box of frogs, and a delightful person to work with who will definitely provide you with great and memorable images. Looking forward to working with her again.

Completely recommended. Thanks for a great shoot, Zara!

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Paul Phull photography

Had a wonderful shoot with Zara at the scarlet door studio,she was true professional and an absolute pleasure to work with.i got some great shots highly recommended.

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Photo Dojo

I worked with Zara recently at Scarlet Door Studio. A massive Wow factor experience for me. She was so professional and so natural in front of the camera. She oozed enthusiasm for the entire shoot. Highly Recommended.

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Michael White

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Zara and welcoming her to my location in the Algarve last month.

As well as being a thoroughly lovely person, Zara has to be one of the most exceptional models I have ever photographed. It's a long time since a model has caused me to stop and re-evaluate how I go about shooting, Zara managed it! - so a big 'thank you'.

We had a great time, and we got some great pictures... always varied in style, and always more than I expected!

I cant wait for Zara to come back to Portugal and hopefully do some workshops - I'll be there!

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Phil Sproson Photography

I worked with Zara on Monday and the time just flew by so quickly, and as it's said, time flies when you are having fun, this certainly was true. The shoot had a wonderful flow to it and pausing really only to check out Zara's extensive collection of clothing, a good number of changes for different looks was achieved and was really appreciated as it broadened the range of images I walked away with. Zara works with a natural flow and will move freely between shots though a myriad of poses and she knows instinctively how to pose in relation to the camera and the lighting. Also, her insights into all aspects of capturing her well were listened to and I took away some great tips too. Thanks Zara x

I really really enjoyed shooting with Zara and I would recommend her to all my tog friends, acquaintances and to anybody else too... An awesome lady with ace humour who is utterly professional. Highest recommendation possible for Zara x

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© Gibson Blanc

What a delightful breath of fresh air. This woman is not only beautiful, she has the right attitude and is a great laugh at the same time. We chatted throughout our first ever shoot. Zara is also a great communicator and contributes into make the the shots work. Totally enjoyed the session, and the time went by to quickly.... Bring on the second shoot © Gibson

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So here I am, reference number 254... What can I possibly add that 253 satisfied customers haven't already said?

Well, it's true. All of it...

I'd wanted to shoot with Zara for some time and was thrilled when she applied to a recent casting I'd posted. Communications were excellent and when I arrived at the location Zara so kindly let me use I found her well prepared, very welcoming and ready to shoot - after a root through her extensive wardrobe.

Zara has a very engaging, infectious personality and is great fun to shoot with. Couple that with an innate ability and inventive flair when it comes to posing and expression and you have possibly the perfect package. I thoroughly enjoyed our shoot and have a memory card full of great images to boot. I only wish I'd not waited so long...

You'll kick yourself if you fail to grab an opportunity to shoot with Zara so to avoid injury and serious self inflicted bruising you should book her now. Right now :)


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Not much to me said really, just perfect.

Zara is a true professional. Clothing, creativity and posing techniques in abundance . Communications spot on and most important warm and inviting. Very easy to relax whilst shooting.

Zara, had the patience of a saint when i want t try a new camera and shooting style.

Our shoot was predominantly around natural light without any preconceived ideas, wondering around form room to room and shooting.

The resulting images were stunning, would love to shoot a few more times at the very least.

The shoot was a relaxed and enjoyable time. Thank you Zara x

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Ian Morrish

Zara is quite simply wonderful to work with and seems to have a natural ability to translate even the briefest of directions into creating a seemingly endless supply of different poses to suit the style required.

I have worked with her on 3 separate occasions now, 2 of which were for training. She adapts herself to suit the pace for each situation.

She is chatty, humorous, very down to earth & a great pleasure to work with. She has a wonderful home that easily doubles up as a studio which is flooded with natural light and with large rooms that have plenty of floor space if you need a wider shot of the room. Watch out for the floordrobe though;)

Looking forward to the next chance I have to hire her for a shoot

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Wow. An amazing session with Zara and Stephen Perry, exploring and developing my ideas and turning them into real images. Zara comes fully-equipped with an extensive wardrobe (suitcases full), not that we used much of it...

An absolute pleasure to work with. Listens, gets creative, and willing to try anything...

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Clear Lens Photography

I shot with Zara at a workshop with Stephen Perry. What more could you al for? Zara it simply wonderful and is a delight to be around. Working with Zara is a breeze and as her amzing Portfolio shows she is super talented.

Thanks again Zara, oh the Nutella "slag" cake didn't make it out of London before being devoured! Delicious!

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I attended a workshop run by Stephen Perry and Zara was the model. I have worked with Zara before, and I really look forwards to working with her. She is crazy, stunning and exceptional fun to work with. Please move closer, well to Norwich. I can't wait to work with you again. Simon

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I had a shoot at Zara's home today. She was kind enough to pick me up from the station and was a hard-working and thoughtful model. I'd definitely recommend her. :)

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Had a very good shoot with Zara. enjoyed it very much

Roger Simpson

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