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References for YvetteG

YvetteG has 26 references; 26 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Being a relative newbie at the portrait - boudoire - glamour game I always approach a shoot at the moment with a fair degree of apprehension. However when I arrived for my appointment with Yvette that nervousness soon dissipated and in no time we were happily chatting and slurping tea before getting the shoot underway.

Yvette is great at taking direction and suggesting ideas - as befits a model of her experience.

I had booked three hours and the time passed really quickly, so much so that we had to forego a set I would have liked to have shot. However, the good thing about that is there has to be a next time.

So there you are Yvette, you'll have put up with my bad jokes and inane conversation at least once more.

But seriously. It was a great shoot and I look forward to posting the results as soon as time allows me to.

Thanks Yvette, you are a great model and terrific girl. x

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My 3rd shoot with Yvette and just like the other two, she was fabulous, professional and a joy to work with.

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Yvette travelled from Scotland to shoot and organising the shoot was dead easy, a few emails, she had booked the flights and the shoot was sorted. Text book. Great start.

From there on, absolutely no problems, she listened, took direction, made a huge effort in every respect of the shoot and was a delight to work with.

Absolutely first class in every respect and I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Yvette to anyone and would be glad to work with her on any occassion.

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Yvette is a fantastic lass to work with , wheter in fashion or nude and all points between . She has loads of ideas of her on , has a vast set of outfits , and is really adventuous as well . Nothing is too hard for her , and she is not easily offended . Book her soon guys , you wont regret it

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Mike Berry aka dynamicmike

Yvette is very experienced and up for anything with her own unique creative and fun flair.

Highly recommended.


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I have worked with Yvette twice now and she is a delight to work with, she poses well both with and without direction and is always entertaining in her personality and approach to her work.

Most highly recommended.

We have another shoot planned.

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