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References for Andreas C

Andreas C has 2 references; 2 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Cheryl Leigh

Myself and Andreas have been in talks to shoot for a while and I'm so pleased we finally got to work together.

From just speaking with him I could sense his love and passion for photography and he has some amazing ideas.

He is a very friendly and professional photographer who made me feel at ease immediately.

We had a really fun shoot and experimented with materials and came up with some future ideas.

He showed me the images taken during the shoot pre-edited and I was really impressed.

This guy has a true talent and I would recommend anyone who gets the chance to work with Andreas to do so.

Looking forward to our next shoot.

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What an amazing shoot Andreas was so professional and helpful through out the whole shoot . Made me feel comfortable and had a right giggle to would highly recommend and can’t wait to shoot with him again

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