Additional Information

  • Full time Photographer
  • More than 54 years experience
  • I work for pay only
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Adult, Alternative, Beauty, Body Paint, Bondage, Commercial, Cosplay, Dance, Erotic, Fashion, Fetish, Fitness, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Pinup, Portrait, Promotional, Sheer, Swimwear and Topless



My need

My constant need is for extra models and actors is for producing book covers and associated promotional material.

Male and female required, all ages.

If models are under 16 they need a chaperone with them for everything, including just head shots.

16 to 18 all shots will be age appropriate. Over 16 you can have a person of the same sex and about the same age with you if you want. Otherwise get someone to drop you off and pick you up, or i’ll give you my car numbers in advance, I want to get the very best out of models and extra criticism or direction from people hanging about can kill the magic.

Some cover opportunities exist for couples, male/female mostly, over 18, and static poses not video. No chaperones if you come with your partner. 

If you have extra skills, good horse riding, carriage driving, sword fighting, or modern DIY, tree climbing, or just about any other please let me know.

Book covers are often in period costume, or wearing clothes for partying, weddings, swimwear. Some partly dressed, even nude from side, rear or partly obscured, but suggestive. Never porn.   Sometimes duel views so a person more normal and the same person after a makeover or poshed up. Example might be a girl next door look turning into a countess, of person with no confidence becoming a star. 

Book covers are very limited size and one or two main characters, title, author and other necessary bits fill this quickly

I prefer outdoor natural scenes or older properties. Sometimes studios with sets or green/glue screen and exotic backgrounds added after. 

Most books are series, just about all written to be ebooks are, so a common theme may run through the covers, or same people in different settings and costumes. 

I tend to spend time getting the shots absolutely right, not shooting a thousand and hoping for a good one. 

 About me

I am a 70 year old male published author, and have over a dozen more books either completed or mostly written. 

I also publish books for others.

I am open to looking at joint book projects with anyone, you don't need to have written anything before, but it does involve a fair bit of work, background research, developing characters, checking names used, even roll playing and visiting locations, and joint means we both do it. Just an idea is not worth anything. 

I have been involved in photography, writing, film, tv production, training actors, and publishing, for over 50 years, and within this time undertaken just about every area of photography, both running a full time professional studio, as well as having a vast amount of work published. I have also run a photography training business, training professional photographers from around the world. Now retired from most of these areas.

I prefer to pay actors and models, and have no objection to working with people without experience. I like all projects to be fun, and enjoyable.

Let me know if your interested, and we can chat about possibilities.


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