Home » Vicky Storrar » References for Vicky Storrar

References for Vicky Storrar

Vicky Storrar has 3 references; 3 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Promo Photo

I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Vicky at a recent Harley Davidson & Custom Bike themed event, although we only had time for a limited number of shots i found Vicky friendly, easy to work with, and she followed direction well where offered.

I would happily work Vicky again should a suitable opportunity arise.

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I met Vicky on a recent group shoot. She is a lovely woman, and very easy to work with and flowed naturally. We shared ideas, and was ever the professional. I felt comfortable working with her, and would recommend her to any level of photographer.

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Paul j White photography and studio

ow, vicky what a terrific model.

Good pre-shoot communication where we planned the shoot.

took direction well, and came across very professionally. We achieved some great results.

The shoot was also fun, and we had a few laughs.

Would I shoot with her again, absolutely in a flas

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