Home » Valentina_TheBlackPearl » Pray CollectShare image URLRequest to be taggedInvite/add to one of your groupsSee more from the people in this imageReport this imagePrayImage is filtered for work safety. Show image...Buy This PrintModel: Valentina_TheBlackPearlKeyword tags: ancient, art, Berlin, braid, collar, Dreadlocks, emotional, expressive, fashion, feathers, intense, long hair, makeup, nude, Photography, pray, prayer, priestess, ritual, sidecuts, studio, tribal, viking, voodooAlbums: Studio, Portraits, 2015-2016Groups: (Invite) NoneAdd your comment...14 people love this!Added 1465217310 by Valentina_TheBlackPearl.Shot in Berlin in February by Chris WeiseMUA: Martina Klein