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References for TPM_

TPM_ has 3 references; 3 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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I had a shoot with Tom in a park, it was a great experience. I enjoyed collaborating with him, he was open to my suggestions and was giving me his opinion and his ideas too. I had a wonderful chance to explore some dynamic poses and luckily Tom managed to capture them in the most beautiful manner. I was pleasantly surprised with the pictures as I felt like I didn’t have to put much effort as a model. The workflow was natural and the time flew really quickly. Looking forward to working with Tom again! Would definitely recommend!

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It was our second amazing shoot but this time inside. It was another hot summer day, but managers to go through all the nasty challenges. Tom is very collaborative and attentive to details, great to work alongside with him. He listens to my ideas and try to make them work. It’s a pleasure to work with him, I’m looking forward to our next session! Grab a shoot with him and see how easy is to work with Tom!

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I had my first shoot with Tomasz out, on the street. And it was the hottest day ever and I have been sweating a lot. My make up was dripping away and he have been so understanding, trying to find a shade, helping with ideas, taking more breaks and just been there for a model. Pre comm was very quick and easy going. We was tight with a time and had couple great locations, we tried to move quickly but needed to make quick decisions during the hot weather and actually pictures came really nice. Of course towards the end of the shoot I got relaxed and the results were pretty great. I really enjoyed shooting with Tomasz, he is reliable and very professional photographer. I’m recommending him! And hope to shoot with him soon by myself ☺️

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