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References for the120ist

the120ist has 4 references; 4 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Ivy Huxley

Another fab shoot with Nick. Pre communications great as always- solid plan and info before the day. Knew what to bring, where to be, timings and what to wear. All bases covered.

Nick was ready to go when I arrived, having set up his kit prior. Found a quirky cool location for us to try some new colour film - always a plus!

Professional throughout, easy to chat and have a laugh with.

Very highly recommended!

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Ivy Huxley

My Second shoot with Nick - Once again, I had a wonderful time with him. He’s great to chat with, down to earth and easy going. Polite, respectful and kind.

I would definitely work with him again and highly recommend working with him if you get the chance!

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Ivy Huxley

Nick was amazing. Funny, great to chat to & passionate about what he does.

He has a clear interest in older cameras and explains this well.

It was great fun to do something different and take some photos out and about with the various equipment Nick brought.

I would truly recommend working with Nick, he’s a lovely guy and great fun to be around!

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Melanie Bond (Butler)

A great shoot with Nick last week in the local park near me. Nicks pre comms were good and when we met he was friendly, chatty and easy to get on with. Nick explained everything to me, from the filming for his YouTube channel, to the techniques he was shooting with using old lenses and slides. He was relaxed and a pleasure to shoot with. A nice first shoot and Nick said he was happy with the results on the slides. I've never shot this way before but excellent to go back in time and learn about old fashioned lenses. I would recommend shooting with Nick and would shoot with him again. Thanks for your time Nick :)

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