Additional Information

  • Hobbyist Photographer
  • More than 14 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Adult, Alternative, Beauty, Bondage, Fashion, Glamour, Landscape, Lifestyle, Lingerie, Nude, Pinup, Portrait and Topless



Mainly focused on other forms of photography. From time to time I have a desire to try engage myself in new challenges, and that is what brought me to model-photography. Every few months, or when I have a concept in mind, I do a photo shoot, usually in a new setting compared to anything I've done before. But sometime this gets addictive, that's why I often refer to my modelphotography as an experiment gone rogue.

I am continuesly looking for people with an unique vibe, so that I know who to ask when I have new images in mind.

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