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References for RonCunninghamPhoto

RonCunninghamPhoto has 1 references; 1 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Coco Bloom

Great first shoot today with Ron at his home studio.

Pre shoot comms were perfect, we chose to do a simplistic fashion shoot with main focus being on lighting.

As I arrived Ron already had the studio all set up, so quick chat and cuppa and off we go with the first look. Throughout the shoot he was very friendly, chatty and just an all round nice guy with decent music taste! Time just flew by, we got through three different looks and even got a few shots with my new model pal Bond!!

The images I have seen so far are beautiful, I would definitely recommend working with Ron to all models and looking forward to our future shoots! ♥

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