Additional Information

  • Hobbyist Photographer
  • More than 8 years experience
  • I work for either pay or trade depending on assignment
  • I can travel or work from home
  • See message reply rate [?]

Shoots styles

Beauty, Landscape, Nude and Portrait



I have over 20 years experience in AV industry, from broadcast television to theater and AV systems integration. When I started, I was animated by great artistic ideas and even got commended for my creativity and inventivity, but somehow, due to various factors, I grew up doing more and more technical jobs, got involved in managing and training teams and all that creativity was sadly left unattended.

I took up photography 3 years ago and immediately I started applying all the knowledge I gathered in these years, so I managed to produce some pretty good images (well, at least that's what I've been told!). So far they're mostly landscapes and urban stories and I would very much like to make a step further and learn about artificial lighting, portrait and nude photography, as I hope my creativity will resurface and bring back the most sought fulfillment sensation we all cherish.... 



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