Additional Information

Shoots styles

Alternative, Beauty, Landscape, Lifestyle, Nude, Portrait and Promotional



As a photojournalistic photographer who gets a complete thrill out of capturing the autonomy of people and emotion, my focus is firmly on taking beautiful and meaningful photos. For the first time, I'm stepping out and experimenting photographing models in planned sets and surroundings. I thrive on taking pictures that expose and elicit joy and deep feeling.

I have experience taking model photos for abstract mixed media artworks but planning sets is a new and exciting venture for me. I hope to learn, develop, have fun and take some incredible shots with creative and open minded models.

I'll be looking to collaborate with different models, ideally for a trade of some sort. I have years of experience in photography, photo editing and manipulation and together we will create something truly evocative and unique. Watch this space for more casting calls and images from my portfolio.

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