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References for Phashion_dab

Phashion_dab has 1 references; 1 recommended, 0 not recommended, 0 late cancellations, and 0 no-shows.

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Had a wonderful day shooting with this beautiful person for the first time and hopefully not the last!

Phashion_dab is so elegant and stylish and moves with wonderful fluidity, creating stunning shapes time after time. We were looking to create some ‘hi fashion’ style shots with movement which totally suited her look, ability and creativity.

This lady is a gem, poses effortlessly, works tirelessly and brings so much energy and fun to a shoot. She just has so much style and creativity and knows how to show it off at it’s very best.

Thank you Phashion_dab….. it was a privilege to shoot with you. Very highly recommended.

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